100 | name | string(48) | message name |
103 | mNum | ushort | protobuf message number |
106 | schemaHash | string(16) | schema hash (changes each time the schema is modified) |
144 | actions | flag : MLinkActions | 'SIURD' |
112 | hasTKey | enum : YesNo | message contains a 'TickerKey' x-ray field |
115 | hasEKey | enum : YesNo | message contains an 'ExpiryKey' x-ray field |
118 | hasOKey | enum : YesNo | message contains an 'OptionKey' x-ray field |
121 | hasCF | enum : YesNo | message has a 'ClientFirm' fields (message has client firm visiblity restrictions) |
124 | mToken | enum : MLinkToken | the mlink token this message is associated with |
145 | dataProducts | flag : DataProduct | flag enum containing all the data products this message is associated with |
140 | srseProducts | text1 | comma separated list of the SRSE Products this message is associated with |
127 | desc | text2 | message description (if any) |
146 | topic | string(48) | message topic |
147 | autoAssignedPkey | enum : YesNo | indication that MLink adds its own pkey and the user does not need to specify one. |
130 | priTimeField | string(32) | this is the primary time field for the time control and histogram |
133 | secTimeField | string(32) | this is the Top10 field for the stacked bar / label on the time control histogram (blank if none) |
139 | staticFilterFields | text2 | comma separated list of (default) static filter fields (in display order) |