100 | okey | OptionKey | okey.root can be a listed/flex root symbol or an underlying symbol |
131 | okeyNumber | int | |
101 | basketNumber | long | |
102 | exType | enum : ExerciseType | exercise type of the option (American or European) (default: from root definition) |
103 | exTime | enum : ExerciseTime | exercise time (AM or PM) (default: from root definition) |
132 | holidayCalendar | enum : CalendarCode | holiday calendar code (NYSE, etc) |
104 | timeMetric | enum : TimeMetric | time metric (D252, D365, etc.) (default: from root definition) |
105 | priceType | enum : CalcPriceType | Equity (spot price) or Future (fwd price) conventions (default: from root definition) |
106 | modelType | enum : CalcModelType | LogNormal, Normal, etc. (default: from root definition) |
107 | incGreeks | enum : YesNo | default (No) |
108 | vol | double | volatility (default: SR surface volatility) |
109 | uPrc | double | underlying price (default: SR live uPrc) |
110 | iDays | int | interest days to expiration (default: SR interest days) |
111 | years | double | years-to-expiration (default: SR volatility time value) |
112 | sdiv | double | continuous stock dividend used for pricing |
113 | rate | double | discount rate used for pricing |
114 | ddiv | double | |
115 | ddivPV | double | |
116 | price | double | price (premium) |
117 | effStrike | double | effective strike used to for pricing calc |
118 | delta | float | delta |
119 | gamma | float | gamma |
120 | theta | float | theta |
121 | vega | float | vega |
122 | volga | float | volga |
123 | vanna | float | vanna |
124 | deDecay | float | delta decay |
125 | rho | float | rho |
126 | phi | float | phi |
130 | error | text2 | |
128 | pricerModel | string(8) | |
129 | timestamp | DateTime | |