SpdrAutoHedgeControl contains autohedge / risk group control details. Can be uploaded from SRSE, created from ExecutionEngines, or created by SR tools.
Attribute | Value |
Topic | 5120-srse-gateway |
MLink Token | Internal |
Product | SRTrade |
Table Definition
Field | Type | Key | Default Value | Comment |
accnt | VARCHAR(16) | PRI | '' | |
riskGroupId | CHAR(19) | PRI | '0000-0000-0000-0000' | riskGroupId 0 means hedgeScope Accnt |
hedgeSecKey_at | enum - AssetType | PRI | 'None' | Execution Hedge SecKey from SpdrParentExecutionhedgeSecKey |
hedgeSecKey_ts | enum - TickerSrc | PRI | 'None' | Execution Hedge SecKey from SpdrParentExecutionhedgeSecKey |
hedgeSecKey_tk | VARCHAR(12) | PRI | '' | Execution Hedge SecKey from SpdrParentExecutionhedgeSecKey |
hedgeSecKey_yr | SMALLINT UNSIGNED | PRI | 2000 | Execution Hedge SecKey from SpdrParentExecutionhedgeSecKey |
hedgeSecKey_mn | TINYINT UNSIGNED | PRI | 0 | Execution Hedge SecKey from SpdrParentExecutionhedgeSecKey |
hedgeSecKey_dy | TINYINT UNSIGNED | PRI | 0 | Execution Hedge SecKey from SpdrParentExecutionhedgeSecKey |
hedgeSecType | enum - SpdrKeyType | PRI | 'None' | Execution Hedge SecType Stock or Future |
clientFirm | VARCHAR(16) | PRI | '' | |
altOrderId | VARCHAR(24) | '' | alternate order ID usually clOrdId from client | |
altAccnt | VARCHAR(32) | '' | alternate client assigned long account string optional used to map between client and SR account strings | |
altUserName | VARCHAR(24) | '' | alternate client assigned user name optional used to map between client and SR account strings | |
srcRoutingCode | VARCHAR(65) | '' | inbound FIX routing code or SRSEtool server appID if any | |
accntRouteCode | TINYTEXT | '' | accntRoute acronym | |
externExDest | VARCHAR(16) | '' | routing code for orders directed to an external order router default null should match FixRoutingTabledestination in SR accnt config | |
externParams | TINYTEXT | '' | external algo namesparameters usually just an algo name | |
strategy | VARCHAR(36) | '' | clientsupplied strategy stringvisible on SpiderRock GUI tools and other order reports | |
userName | VARCHAR(24) | '' | name of the user entering the order | |
autoHedge | enum - AutoHedge | 'None' | autohedge algorithm used for restoring tickets | |
hedgeTarget | enum - HedgeTarget | 'None' | ||
minHedgeDDelta | FLOAT | 0 | do not generate autohedge orders if total group Delta is between minHedgeDDelta and maxHedgeDDelta eg100000 100000 | |
maxHedgeDDelta | FLOAT | 0 | ||
orderSize | INT | 0 | initial and maximum size of a hedge parent buy or sell order note actual working size will be controlled by the autohedge server based on filled deltas but working size cannot exceed orderSize | |
ssaleFlag | enum - ShortSaleFlag | 'None' | ||
maxExposureSize | INT | -1 | maximum simultaneous cumulative child order public size exposure 1 orderActiveSize order can overfill if orderActiveSize and numMakeExchanges 1 | |
numMakeExchanges | TINYINT UNSIGNED | 1 | number of exchanges 1 4 on which to publish public making orders Effective number might be less than requested number if sufficient exchanges are not available | |
publicSize | enum - PublicSizeHandling | 'None' | public order size handling Noneuse default size handling usually limits public size to typical market size Randomizerandomize public size FullSizeexpose entire order size where possible | |
canOverlapCxlRepl | enum - YesNo | 'None' | can execution engines overlap cancelreplace operations order can overfill if YES at most one active overlapping cxlreplace operation for each parent order | |
progressRule | enum - ProgressRule | 'None' | Immediate all size immediately available TWAP size released in time intervalsVWAP size released in volume intervalsTwapForce size released in intervalsexecution forced at the end of interval | |
progressSliceCnt | TINYINT UNSIGNED | 0 | number of twap slices to use default 4 or 8 max 20 | |
progressExposeTime | INT | 0 | minimum time secs to expose order 0 no minimum used to guarantee that the order is exposed at midmarket for some time before actively taking | |
vwapParticipation | FLOAT | 0 | target vwap participation rate target of trade activity | |
minMktOnClosePct | TINYINT UNSIGNED | 0 | Minimum pct 0 100 of order reserved for the onclose auction | |
maxMakeExchFee | FLOAT | 0 | maximum making exchange fee in point value zero no limit use nonzero number for limit to apply | |
maxTakeExchFee | FLOAT | 0 | maximum taking exchange fee in point value zero no limit use nonzero number for limit to apply | |
incTakeExchFee | enum - IncExchFee | 'None' | include exchange fee in probability | |
incMakeExchFee | enum - IncExchFee | 'None' | include exchange fee in probability | |
makeExchRule | enum - MakeExchRule | 'None' | ActiveMaker exchange preference rule MaxPart will pick exchanges to maximize participation FeeOrder will pick exchanges to minimize fees maximize rebates ImprvOnly will only make when improving NBBO | |
maxChildOrders | INT | 0 | maximum number of child orders that can be generated by this parent order order will terminate ifwhen this cap is reachedzero or neg unlimited | |
exchMask | INT UNSIGNED | 0 | eligible exchanges 0 all | |
marketSession | enum - MarketSession | 'RegMkt' | ||
startDttm | DATETIME(6) | '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' | optional parent order start time | |
orderDuration | INT | 0 | optional number of seconds | |
activeDuration | INT | 0 | ||
goodTillDttm | DATETIME(6) | '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' | optional default 20990101 | |
parentOrderHandling | enum - ParentOrderHandling | 'None' | ||
parentBalanceHandling | enum - ParentBalanceHandling | 'None' | ||
orderLimitType | enum - SpdrLimitType | 'None' | ||
takeLimitClass | enum - SpdrLimitClass | 'Simple' | Simple LimitPrice Probability BESTLimitPrice ProbLimit | |
makeLimitClass | enum - SpdrLimitClass | 'Simple' | Simple LimitPrice Probability BESTLimitPrice ProbLimit | |
orderPrcLimit | DOUBLE | 0 | Applies if LimitType Prc | |
orderPrcOffset | DOUBLE | 0 | default0 | |
stateModel | enum - StateModel | 'None' | ||
takeAlphaType | enum - AlphaType | 'None' | Applies if takeLimitClass Probability | |
makeAlphaType | enum - AlphaType | 'None' | Applies if makeLimitClass Probability | |
takeAlphaFactor | FLOAT | 0 | 22 takeProbLimit MAXtakeProbability takeProbAvg takeAlphaFactor takeProbStd if AlphaType Relative | |
makeAlphaFactor | FLOAT | 0 | 22 makeProbLimit MAXmakeProbability makeProbAvg makeAlphaFactor makeProbStd if AlphaType Relative | |
takeProbability | FLOAT | 0 | takeProbLimit takeProbability if AlphaType Static | |
makeProbability | FLOAT | 0 | makeProbLimit makeProbability if AlphaType Static | |
timestamp | DATETIME(6) | '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' | record timestamp |
Field | Sequence |
accnt | 1 |
riskGroupId | 2 |
hedgeSecKey_tk | 3 |
hedgeSecKey_yr | 4 |
hedgeSecKey_mn | 5 |
hedgeSecKey_dy | 6 |
hedgeSecKey_at | 7 |
hedgeSecKey_ts | 8 |
hedgeSecType | 9 |
clientFirm | 10 |
CREATE TABLE `SRTrade`.`MsgAutoHedgeControlGateway` (
`riskGroupId` CHAR(19) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-0000-0000-0000' COMMENT 'riskGroupId = 0 means hedgeScope = Accnt',
`hedgeSecKey_at` ENUM('None','EQT','IDX','BND','CUR','COM','FUT','SYN','WAR','FLX','MUT','SPD','MM','MF','COIN','TOKEN','ANY') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'Execution Hedge SecKey (from SpdrParentExecution.hedgeSecKey)',
`hedgeSecKey_ts` ENUM('None','SR','NMS','CME','ICE','CFE','CBOT','NYMEX','COMEX','RUT','CIDX','ARCA','NYSE','OTC','NSDQ','MFQS','MIAX','DJI','CUSIP','ISIN','BXE','EUX','ANY','CXE','DXE','NXAM','NXBR','NXLS','NXML','NXOS','NXP','EUREX','CEDX','ICEFE') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'Execution Hedge SecKey (from SpdrParentExecution.hedgeSecKey)',
`hedgeSecKey_tk` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Execution Hedge SecKey (from SpdrParentExecution.hedgeSecKey)',
`hedgeSecKey_yr` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 2000 COMMENT 'Execution Hedge SecKey (from SpdrParentExecution.hedgeSecKey)',
`hedgeSecKey_mn` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Execution Hedge SecKey (from SpdrParentExecution.hedgeSecKey)',
`hedgeSecKey_dy` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Execution Hedge SecKey (from SpdrParentExecution.hedgeSecKey)',
`hedgeSecType` ENUM('None','Stock','Future','Option','MLeg') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'Execution Hedge SecType (Stock or Future)',
`clientFirm` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`altOrderId` VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'alternate order ID (usually clOrdId from client)',
`altAccnt` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'alternate (client assigned) "long" account string (optional) [used to map between client and SR account strings]',
`altUserName` VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'alternate (client assigned) user name (optional) [used to map between client and SR account strings]',
`srcRoutingCode` VARCHAR(65) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'inbound FIX routing code or SRSE/tool server appID (if any)',
`accntRouteCode` TINYTEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'accntRoute acronym',
`externExDest` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'routing code for orders directed to an external order router (default = null); should match FixRoutingTable.destination (in SR accnt config)',
`externParams` TINYTEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'external algo names/parameters (usually just an algo name)',
`strategy` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'client-supplied strategy string;visible on SpiderRock GUI tools and other order reports.',
`userName` VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'name of the user entering the order',
`autoHedge` ENUM('None','Static','AutoMid','AutoCrx','AutoTrn','SpdrAuto','Spdr10S','Spdr30S','Spdr90S','Spdr5M','Spdr30M','SpdrDay','SmartFast','SmartNorm','FastCrx','FastDark','SlowDark','AlphaVwap1pct','AlphaVwap2pct','AlphaVwap5pct','AlphaVwap25pct','Custom','AwayAlgo') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'auto-hedge algorithm (used for restoring tickets)',
`hedgeTarget` ENUM('None','HedgeToZero','HedgeToBand') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`minHedgeDDelta` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'do not generate autohedge orders if total group $Delta is between [minHedgeDDelta and maxHedgeDDelta] (eg.[-$100,000, +$100,000])',
`orderSize` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'initial (and maximum) size of a hedge parent buy or sell order. note: actual working size will be controlled by the autohedge server based on filled deltas but working size cannot exceed orderSize',
`ssaleFlag` ENUM('None','Long','Short','Exempt','Auto','Open','Close','Cover','NA') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`maxExposureSize` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 COMMENT 'maximum simultaneous cumulative child order public size exposure (-1 = orderActiveSize) [order can overfill if > orderActiveSize and numMakeExchanges > 1]',
`numMakeExchanges` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'number of exchanges (1 - 4) on which to publish public making orders. Effective number might be less than requested number if sufficient exchanges are not available.',
`publicSize` ENUM('None','Randomize','MktSize','FullSize','MktSizeA','MktSizeB','MktSizeC','FullSizeR','Max25Pct','Max50Pct','Max75Pct','NoSize') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'public order size handling: None=use default size handling (usually limits public size to ''typical'' market size); Randomize=randomize public size; FullSize=expose entire order size where possible',
`canOverlapCxlRepl` ENUM('None','Yes','No') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'can execution engines overlap cancel/replace operations [order can overfill if YES] (at most one active overlapping cxl/replace operation for each parent order)',
`progressRule` ENUM('None','Twap','Vwap','TwapReset','VwapReset','FastReset','SlowReset','TwapAlpha','VwapAlpha','TwapAlphaC','VwapAlphaC','AutoComplete','AllowImmediate','Manual','SpdrPulse','IOC','FlashMakeTake') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'Immediate = all size immediately available; TWAP = size released in time intervals;VWAP = size released in volume intervals;TwapForce = size released in intervals/execution forced at the end of interval',
`progressSliceCnt` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'number of twap slices to use (default = 4 or 8) [max 20]',
`progressExposeTime` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'minimum time (secs) to expose order (0 = no minimum; used to guarantee that the order is exposed at mid-market for some time before actively taking)',
`vwapParticipation` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'target vwap participation rate (target % of trade activity)',
`minMktOnClosePct` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Minimum pct [0 - 100] of order reserved for the on-close auction',
`maxMakeExchFee` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'maximum making exchange fee (in point value) [zero = no limit; use non-zero number for limit to apply]',
`maxTakeExchFee` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'maximum taking exchange fee (in point value) [zero = no limit; use non-zero number for limit to apply]',
`incTakeExchFee` ENUM('None','ExclFee','IncFee') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'include exchange fee in probability',
`incMakeExchFee` ENUM('None','ExclFee','IncFee') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'include exchange fee in probability',
`makeExchRule` ENUM('None','MaxPart','FeeOptimal','ImprvOnly','FeeStrict','RoundRobin','ProRataOptim') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'ActiveMaker exchange preference rule: ''MaxPart'' will pick exchanges to maximize participation; ''FeeOrder'' will pick exchanges to minimize fees [maximize rebates]; ''ImprvOnly'' will only make when improving NBBO.',
`maxChildOrders` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'maximum number of child orders that can be generated by this parent order [order will terminate if/when this cap is reached;zero or neg = unlimited]',
`exchMask` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'eligible exchanges (0 = all)',
`marketSession` ENUM('None','PreMkt','RegMkt','PostMkt','PreRegMkt','RegPostMkt','AllDay') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'RegMkt',
`startDttm` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' COMMENT '[optional] (parent order start time)',
`orderDuration` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '[optional] (number of seconds)',
`activeDuration` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`goodTillDttm` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' COMMENT '[optional] (default: 2099-01-01)',
`parentOrderHandling` ENUM('None','ActiveTaker','PostOnly','DMA','MktOnOpn','MktOnCls','Facilitate','Matrix','Legger','Seeker','SeekerLegger','CrossResponse','AuctionResponse','MLegAuctionResp','RFQRequest','AwayAlgo','ExchPing','BlockAuction','BlockResponse','SweepTake','CobMaker','FaceOmni','TestParent') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`parentBalanceHandling` ENUM('None','PostWith','PostTurn','PostImprove','PostLimit','MaxIntern','PostWthF','PostImprvR','PostFlash','PostFlashW','PostPeg','PostFlashI') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`orderLimitType` ENUM('None','Market','MarketArrival','Prc','PrcDe','PrcDeX','PrcDeT','PrcDeP','PrcDeXT','PrcDeXP','Vol','VolX','PrcV','PrcVX','NoLimit','RelMid','RelJoin','RelCross','SmrtFast','SmrtNorm','RelTurn','PrcDeEm','VolEm','Aux','UPrcPct','PkgNeutral','RcPrem','SynthLimitMM','SynthLimitBW','SynthLimitWW') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`takeLimitClass` ENUM('Simple','Surface','Probability','SurfProb') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Simple' COMMENT 'Simple = LimitPrice, Probability = BEST(LimitPrice, ProbLimit)',
`makeLimitClass` ENUM('Simple','Surface','Probability','SurfProb') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Simple' COMMENT 'Simple = LimitPrice, Probability = BEST(LimitPrice, ProbLimit)',
`orderPrcLimit` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Applies if LimitType = Prc[]',
`orderPrcOffset` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'default=0',
`stateModel` ENUM('None','M1','M2','M3','M4') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`takeAlphaType` ENUM('None','Static','Eagle','Hawk','Falcon','Relative') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'Applies if takeLimitClass = Probability',
`makeAlphaType` ENUM('None','Static','Eagle','Hawk','Falcon','Relative') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'Applies if makeLimitClass = Probability',
`takeAlphaFactor` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '[-2,+2] takeProbLimit = MAX(takeProbability, takeProbAvg + takeAlphaFactor * takeProbStd) [if AlphaType = Relative]',
`makeAlphaFactor` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '[-2,+2] makeProbLimit = MAX(makeProbability, makeProbAvg + makeAlphaFactor * makeProbStd) [if AlphaType = Relative]',
`takeProbability` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'takeProbLimit = takeProbability [if AlphaType = Static]',
`makeProbability` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'makeProbLimit = makeProbability [if AlphaType = Static]',
`timestamp` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' COMMENT 'record timestamp',
CONSTRAINT nonnegative_riskGroupId CHECK(ASCII(riskGroupId) < 56),
PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (`accnt`,`riskGroupId`,`hedgeSecKey_tk`,`hedgeSecKey_yr`,`hedgeSecKey_mn`,`hedgeSecKey_dy`,`hedgeSecKey_at`,`hedgeSecKey_ts`,`hedgeSecType`,`clientFirm`)
) ENGINE=SRSE DEFAULT CHARSET=LATIN1 COMMENT='SpdrAutoHedgeControl contains autohedge / risk group control details. Can be uploaded from SRSE, created from ExecutionEngines, or created by SR tools.';
FROM `SRTrade`.`MsgAutoHedgeControlGateway`
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`accnt` = 'Example_accnt'
/* Replace with a CHAR(19) */
`riskGroupId` = 'Example_riskGroupId'
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','EQT','IDX','BND','CUR','COM','FUT','SYN','WAR','FLX','MUT','SPD','MM','MF','COIN','TOKEN','ANY') */
`hedgeSecKey_at` = 'None'
`hedgeSecKey_ts` = 'None'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(12) */
`hedgeSecKey_tk` = 'Example_hedgeSecKey_tk'
/* Replace with a SMALLINT UNSIGNED */
`hedgeSecKey_yr` = 123
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
`hedgeSecKey_mn` = 1
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
`hedgeSecKey_dy` = 1
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Stock','Future','Option','MLeg') */
`hedgeSecType` = 'None'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`clientFirm` = 'Example_clientFirm';
UPDATE `SRTrade`.`MsgAutoHedgeControlGateway`
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(24) */
`altOrderId` = 'Example_altOrderId',
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(32) */
`altAccnt` = 'Example_altAccnt',
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(24) */
`altUserName` = 'Example_altUserName',
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(65) */
`srcRoutingCode` = 'Example_srcRoutingCode',
/* Replace with a TINYTEXT */
`accntRouteCode` = 'dummy tiny text',
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`externExDest` = 'Example_externExDest',
/* Replace with a TINYTEXT */
`externParams` = 'dummy tiny text',
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(36) */
`strategy` = 'Example_strategy',
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(24) */
`userName` = 'Example_userName',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Static','AutoMid','AutoCrx','AutoTrn','SpdrAuto','Spdr10S','Spdr30S','Spdr90S','Spdr5M','Spdr30M','SpdrDay','SmartFast','SmartNorm','FastCrx','FastDark','SlowDark','AlphaVwap1pct','AlphaVwap2pct','AlphaVwap5pct','AlphaVwap25pct','Custom','AwayAlgo') */
`autoHedge` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','HedgeToZero','HedgeToBand') */
`hedgeTarget` = 'None',
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`minHedgeDDelta` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxHedgeDDelta` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a INT */
`orderSize` = 5,
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Long','Short','Exempt','Auto','Open','Close','Cover','NA') */
`ssaleFlag` = 'None',
/* Replace with a INT */
`maxExposureSize` = 5,
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
`numMakeExchanges` = 1,
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Randomize','MktSize','FullSize','MktSizeA','MktSizeB','MktSizeC','FullSizeR','Max25Pct','Max50Pct','Max75Pct','NoSize') */
`publicSize` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Yes','No') */
`canOverlapCxlRepl` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Twap','Vwap','TwapReset','VwapReset','FastReset','SlowReset','TwapAlpha','VwapAlpha','TwapAlphaC','VwapAlphaC','AutoComplete','AllowImmediate','Manual','SpdrPulse','IOC','FlashMakeTake') */
`progressRule` = 'None',
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
`progressSliceCnt` = 1,
/* Replace with a INT */
`progressExposeTime` = 5,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`vwapParticipation` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
`minMktOnClosePct` = 1,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxMakeExchFee` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`maxTakeExchFee` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','ExclFee','IncFee') */
`incTakeExchFee` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','ExclFee','IncFee') */
`incMakeExchFee` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','MaxPart','FeeOptimal','ImprvOnly','FeeStrict','RoundRobin','ProRataOptim') */
`makeExchRule` = 'None',
/* Replace with a INT */
`maxChildOrders` = 5,
/* Replace with a INT UNSIGNED */
`exchMask` = 0,
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','PreMkt','RegMkt','PostMkt','PreRegMkt','RegPostMkt','AllDay') */
`marketSession` = 'RegMkt',
/* Replace with a DATETIME(6) */
`startDttm` = '2022-01-01 12:34:56.000000',
/* Replace with a INT */
`orderDuration` = 5,
/* Replace with a INT */
`activeDuration` = 5,
/* Replace with a DATETIME(6) */
`goodTillDttm` = '2022-01-01 12:34:56.000000',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','ActiveTaker','PostOnly','DMA','MktOnOpn','MktOnCls','Facilitate','Matrix','Legger','Seeker','SeekerLegger','CrossResponse','AuctionResponse','MLegAuctionResp','RFQRequest','AwayAlgo','ExchPing','BlockAuction','BlockResponse','SweepTake','CobMaker','FaceOmni','TestParent') */
`parentOrderHandling` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','PostWith','PostTurn','PostImprove','PostLimit','MaxIntern','PostWthF','PostImprvR','PostFlash','PostFlashW','PostPeg','PostFlashI') */
`parentBalanceHandling` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Market','MarketArrival','Prc','PrcDe','PrcDeX','PrcDeT','PrcDeP','PrcDeXT','PrcDeXP','Vol','VolX','PrcV','PrcVX','NoLimit','RelMid','RelJoin','RelCross','SmrtFast','SmrtNorm','RelTurn','PrcDeEm','VolEm','Aux','UPrcPct','PkgNeutral','RcPrem','SynthLimitMM','SynthLimitBW','SynthLimitWW') */
`orderLimitType` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('Simple','Surface','Probability','SurfProb') */
`takeLimitClass` = 'Simple',
/* Replace with a ENUM('Simple','Surface','Probability','SurfProb') */
`makeLimitClass` = 'Simple',
/* Replace with a DOUBLE */
`orderPrcLimit` = 4.56,
/* Replace with a DOUBLE */
`orderPrcOffset` = 4.56,
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','M1','M2','M3','M4') */
`stateModel` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Static','Eagle','Hawk','Falcon','Relative') */
`takeAlphaType` = 'None',
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Static','Eagle','Hawk','Falcon','Relative') */
`makeAlphaType` = 'None',
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`takeAlphaFactor` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`makeAlphaFactor` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`takeProbability` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
`makeProbability` = 1.23,
/* Replace with a DATETIME(6) */
`timestamp` = '2022-01-01 12:34:56.000000'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`accnt` = 'Example_accnt'
/* Replace with a CHAR(19) */
`riskGroupId` = 'Example_riskGroupId'
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','EQT','IDX','BND','CUR','COM','FUT','SYN','WAR','FLX','MUT','SPD','MM','MF','COIN','TOKEN','ANY') */
`hedgeSecKey_at` = 'None'
`hedgeSecKey_ts` = 'None'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(12) */
`hedgeSecKey_tk` = 'Example_hedgeSecKey_tk'
/* Replace with a SMALLINT UNSIGNED */
`hedgeSecKey_yr` = 123
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
`hedgeSecKey_mn` = 1
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
`hedgeSecKey_dy` = 1
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Stock','Future','Option','MLeg') */
`hedgeSecType` = 'None'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`clientFirm` = 'Example_clientFirm';
INSERT INTO `SRTrade`.`MsgAutoHedgeControlGateway`(
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
/* Replace with a CHAR(19) */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','EQT','IDX','BND','CUR','COM','FUT','SYN','WAR','FLX','MUT','SPD','MM','MF','COIN','TOKEN','ANY') */
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(12) */
/* Replace with a SMALLINT UNSIGNED */
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Stock','Future','Option','MLeg') */
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(24) */
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(32) */
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(24) */
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(65) */
/* Replace with a TINYTEXT */
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
/* Replace with a TINYTEXT */
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(36) */
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(24) */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Static','AutoMid','AutoCrx','AutoTrn','SpdrAuto','Spdr10S','Spdr30S','Spdr90S','Spdr5M','Spdr30M','SpdrDay','SmartFast','SmartNorm','FastCrx','FastDark','SlowDark','AlphaVwap1pct','AlphaVwap2pct','AlphaVwap5pct','AlphaVwap25pct','Custom','AwayAlgo') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','HedgeToZero','HedgeToBand') */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a INT */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Long','Short','Exempt','Auto','Open','Close','Cover','NA') */
/* Replace with a INT */
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Randomize','MktSize','FullSize','MktSizeA','MktSizeB','MktSizeC','FullSizeR','Max25Pct','Max50Pct','Max75Pct','NoSize') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Yes','No') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Twap','Vwap','TwapReset','VwapReset','FastReset','SlowReset','TwapAlpha','VwapAlpha','TwapAlphaC','VwapAlphaC','AutoComplete','AllowImmediate','Manual','SpdrPulse','IOC','FlashMakeTake') */
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
/* Replace with a INT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','ExclFee','IncFee') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','ExclFee','IncFee') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','MaxPart','FeeOptimal','ImprvOnly','FeeStrict','RoundRobin','ProRataOptim') */
/* Replace with a INT */
/* Replace with a INT UNSIGNED */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','PreMkt','RegMkt','PostMkt','PreRegMkt','RegPostMkt','AllDay') */
/* Replace with a DATETIME(6) */
/* Replace with a INT */
/* Replace with a INT */
/* Replace with a DATETIME(6) */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','ActiveTaker','PostOnly','DMA','MktOnOpn','MktOnCls','Facilitate','Matrix','Legger','Seeker','SeekerLegger','CrossResponse','AuctionResponse','MLegAuctionResp','RFQRequest','AwayAlgo','ExchPing','BlockAuction','BlockResponse','SweepTake','CobMaker','FaceOmni','TestParent') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','PostWith','PostTurn','PostImprove','PostLimit','MaxIntern','PostWthF','PostImprvR','PostFlash','PostFlashW','PostPeg','PostFlashI') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Market','MarketArrival','Prc','PrcDe','PrcDeX','PrcDeT','PrcDeP','PrcDeXT','PrcDeXP','Vol','VolX','PrcV','PrcVX','NoLimit','RelMid','RelJoin','RelCross','SmrtFast','SmrtNorm','RelTurn','PrcDeEm','VolEm','Aux','UPrcPct','PkgNeutral','RcPrem','SynthLimitMM','SynthLimitBW','SynthLimitWW') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('Simple','Surface','Probability','SurfProb') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('Simple','Surface','Probability','SurfProb') */
/* Replace with a DOUBLE */
/* Replace with a DOUBLE */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','M1','M2','M3','M4') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Static','Eagle','Hawk','Falcon','Relative') */
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Static','Eagle','Hawk','Falcon','Relative') */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a FLOAT */
/* Replace with a DATETIME(6) */
'dummy tiny text',
'dummy tiny text',
'2022-01-01 12:34:56.000000',
'2022-01-01 12:34:56.000000',
'2022-01-01 12:34:56.000000'
DELETE FROM `SRTrade`.`MsgAutoHedgeControlGateway`
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`accnt` = 'Example_accnt'
/* Replace with a CHAR(19) */
`riskGroupId` = 'Example_riskGroupId'
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','EQT','IDX','BND','CUR','COM','FUT','SYN','WAR','FLX','MUT','SPD','MM','MF','COIN','TOKEN','ANY') */
`hedgeSecKey_at` = 'None'
`hedgeSecKey_ts` = 'None'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(12) */
`hedgeSecKey_tk` = 'Example_hedgeSecKey_tk'
/* Replace with a SMALLINT UNSIGNED */
`hedgeSecKey_yr` = 123
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
`hedgeSecKey_mn` = 1
/* Replace with a TINYINT UNSIGNED */
`hedgeSecKey_dy` = 1
/* Replace with a ENUM('None','Stock','Future','Option','MLeg') */
`hedgeSecType` = 'None'
/* Replace with a VARCHAR(16) */
`clientFirm` = 'Example_clientFirm';
Doc Columns Query
SELECT * FROM SRTrade.doccolumns WHERE TABLE_NAME='AutoHedgeControlGateway' ORDER BY ordinal_position ASC;