CREATE TABLE `SRRisk`.`MsgSymbolRiskDetailV5` (
`ticker_at` ENUM('None','EQT','IDX','BND','CUR','COM','FUT','SYN','WAR','FLX','MUT','SPD','MM','MF','COIN','TOKEN','ANY') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`ticker_tk` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`tradeDate` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01',
`clientFirm` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SR assigned client firm',
`clientTags` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '(optional) user defined account tag(s) (eg. tag,tag,tag,tag) [max of 10,000 total chars (including seps)]' CHECK(LENGTH(clientTags) <= 10000),
`stkStatus` ENUM('Hold','TwoWay','DayHold') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Hold' COMMENT 'Stock trading status indicator (user controlled;used by the HedgeTool and by trade controllers) [SymbolControl.stkStatus]',
`optStatus` ENUM('Hold','TwoWay','BuyOnly','SellOnly','CloseOnly','CloseNow','CloseRisk','BuyCloseOnly','SellCloseOnly') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Hold' COMMENT 'Option trading status indicator (user controlled;only used by trade controllers) [SymbolControl.optStatus]',
`riskClass` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Symbol Risk Class Code (user supplied) [SymbolControl.riskClass]',
`theoModel` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SR assigned theo model tag (associated with user supplied theo surfaces) [AccountConfig.theoModel]',
`theoModel2` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SR assigned theo model#2 tag (associated with user supplied theo surfaces) [AccountConfig.theoModel2]',
`hedgeDeltaRule` ENUM('None','IVol','IvS','TVol','TvS','Binary','IvS_25','IvS_50','IvS_75','TvAll','TvAllS') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'HedgeDelta Source (IVol = use SR implied surface (sticky strike), IvS = use SR surface (sticky delta), TVol = use user supplied theo surface (sticky strike), TvS = use user supplied theo surface and atm veSlope (sticky delta)) [AccountConfig.hedgeDelta]',
`holdReason` ENUM('None','BadData','CorpAction','PendDeal','PendEvent','ExtTrade','LowPrice','PendEarn','DealRumour','BadDiv','Watch','NewSym','NoLoc','NegPerf','NegEdge') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'User supplied description (only informational) [SymbolControl.holdReason]',
`binaryDays` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Fractional days [0 - 5.0] prior to expiration after which hedgeDeltas become binary [-1.0, -0.5, 0, +0.5, +1.0] [SymbolControl.binaryDays]',
`ctrlUpdate` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' COMMENT 'last update dttm of SymbolControl record [SymbolControl.timestamp]',
`periodEndTime` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' COMMENT 'DTTM of the end of the current trading period',
`symbolType` ENUM('None','Equity','ADR','ETF','CashIndex','MutualFund','ShortETF','Future','Bond','DepReceipts','PreferredSec','PreferenceShare','StructuredProd','StapledSec','TradeableRights','Unit','Warrant','WhenIssued','ForeignIssue') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'SymbolType (Equity, ETF, ShortETF, ADR, CashIndex, FutureComplex)',
`name` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Symbol name/description',
`industry` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`beta` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'beta (usually beta to SPX; see AccountConfig.betaSource)',
`betaSource` ENUM('None','betaSPX','betaQQQ','betaIWM','clientBeta') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`stkVolume` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'trailing 30 day average daily stock volume',
`optVolume` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'trailing 30 day average daily option volume',
`tapeCode` ENUM('None','A','B','C') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'market data tape code',
`marginType` ENUM('None','NMS_Equity','NMS_Index','NMS_Medium') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'margin slide type: NMS_Equity = +/- 15%, NMS_Index = -8%/+6%, NMS_Medium = +/-10%',
`pointCurrency` ENUM('None','AUD','BRL','CAD','CHF','CNH','CNY','EUR','GBP','JPY','KRW','MXN','MYR','NOK','NZD','SEK','TRY','USD','USDCents','CZK','ZAR','HUF','USX','GBX','DKK','GEL') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`dAmt` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '$amount of the next expected dividend',
`dDays` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'days to next expected dividend (negative indicates days from a recent ex-date)',
`eDays` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'days to next expected earnings (negative indicates days from a recent announcement)',
`locateQuan` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'starting locate quantity in this symbol befores trades',
`availableLocateQuan` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'available equity locate quantity in this symbol after trades',
`gcFlag` ENUM('None','Yes','No') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'is this symbol a general collateral name (no special borrow rate)',
`gcRate` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'expected overnight rate if general collateral (usually FF overnight rate)',
`borrowRate` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'expected overnight borrow rate (special borrrow)',
`stMinIVol` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'minimum atm implied volatility (all expirations with a position)',
`stMaxIVol` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'maximum atm implied volatility (all expirations with a position)',
`earnMult` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'expected earnings multiplier (affects some risk slides) [1.0 - 8.0]',
`baseVol` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'from earn mult fit (<0.75 yrs)',
`tailVol` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'weighted toward max expiration',
`timestamp` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000',
PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (`ticker_tk`,`ticker_at`,`ticker_ts`,`accnt`,`tradeDate`,`clientFirm`)
) ENGINE=SRSE DEFAULT CHARSET=LATIN1 COMMENT='SymbolRiskDetail records contain semi-static markup detail for SymbolRiskSummary records.';