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Option Analytics

Table of Contents

Option PricingThe SpiderRock Connect trading platform includes a family of proprietary pricing models that are used to compute prices, implied volatilities, common option greeks, and various scenario risk slides for equity and futures options.
Live Volatility SurfacesSpiderRock Connect operates servers that continually compute implied volatility surfaces for all option expiration months with live market quotes.
Volatility Time CalculationIn the latest version of SpiderRock Connect, the time decay has been updated to account for volatility that occurs both during and after trading hours.
Interest Rate TermThere are now 3 different rate curves (OIS, Libor, and SpxBox), and they are stored and updated in the SRSE SRAnalytics table under msgGlobalRates.
Client Volatility SurfacesSpiderRock Connect's surface volatilities are modeled and stored in terms of strike moneyness and volatility percent. This is an approach that normalizes the structure of the curve in a way that is less dependent on the current underlying price and ATM volatility and is more consistent across all strikes and time-to-expiration.
FLEX Volatility InterpolationThis paper presents the method used for calculating implied volatilities for FLEX options by interpolating between known SpiderRock surfaces.