# | Message Name | Description |
4355 | OptExpiryDefinition | This table maps option root/expiration combinations to their deliverable future. Mappings are sourced fromm listing exchange product definitions. BaseObj:Root |
4410 | RegionalInstrumentId | RegionalInstrumentId (internal only) records exist per security and provide symbology mapping. Eg for an option contract on Eurex the instid and marketsegid would be provided |
4405 | RegionalOptionComposite | RegionalOptionComposite (internal only) records exist per composite option (aka per ISIN). Eg for BMW optioins there would be BMW-EUX-EQT composite for all standard options and then perhaps a BMW1-EUX-EQT for post corp action contracts with alternate multiplers etc |
4365 | RootDefinition | RootDefinition records are sourced from the listing exchange for future options and from OCC for US equity options. Records are updated as SpiderRock receives changes. |