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#Message NameDescription
4540GlobalRiskControlGlobalRiskControl records are used to establish ticker specific order size risk control limits
4550MarRiskControlMarRiskControl records are used to establish risk controls within SpiderRock execution engines. These records are only viewable and editable by users belonging to the same riskFirm as the control records.
4551MarRiskControlTkOverrideMarRiskControlTkOverride records are used to establish ticker-specific risk controls SpiderRock execution engines. These records are only viewable and editable by users belonging to the same riskFirm as the control records.
4560SpdrRiskControlSpdrRiskControl records are used to establish supervisory control of equity, and equity option trading in SpiderRock execution engines. These records are only viewable and editable by RiskAdmin users with access to the control record ClientFirm