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#Message NameDescription
2995StockAuctionSummaryThese records represent current and recent trailing market open/close auction results
3000StockBookQuoteThis table contains live equity quote records for all CQS/UQDF securities as well as US OTC equity securities, SpiderRock synthetic markets, and a number of major indexes. Each record contains up to two price levels and represents a live snapshot of the book for a specific market.
3015StockExchImbalanceStockExchImbalance records contain live exchange closing auction imbalance details. Imbalance information can be available from more than one exchange for each ticker.

Final StockExchImbalance records are published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster nightly after the auction close.
3020StockExchImbalanceV2StockExchImbalanceV2 records contain live exchange closing auction imbalance details. Imbalance information can be available from more than one exchange for each ticker.

Final StockExchImbalanceV2 records are published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster nightly after the auction close.
3035StockImbalanceStockImbalance records contain live exchange closing auction imbalance details. Imbalance information in aggregated across exchanges with imbalance feeds.

Final StockImbalance records are published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster nightly after the auction close.
3040StockMarketSummaryThese records represent live market summary snapshots for equity, index, and synthetic markets.
3045StockPrintThe most recent (last) print record for CTS/UTDF markets as well as SpiderRock synthetic markets. Records also incorporate some summary detail and closing mark information as well.
3055StockPrintMarkupStockPrintMarkup records are created/published for all stock prints
3060StockPrintSetStockPrintSet records are created for each print and published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster 10 minutes later, when T+10M markup detail is available.
3065StockThresholdStockThreshold records contain information about whether and how long a stock has been on the REG SRO threshold list.