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V8 Message Definiton

TradeCubeDetail records are published by CoreRiskServers and are visible in SRSE throughout the day. They are designed to be aggregated and analyzed over time. TradeCubeDetail records are published to the SpiderRock Archive Host data pipeline after all markup detail is complete.


MLink TokenClientRisk

Table Definition

FieldTypeKeyDefault ValueComment
fillNumberBIGINTPRI0SpiderRock execution number globally unique over trailing 10 days
tradeDateDATEPRI'1900-01-01'trade date
runStatusenum - RunStatus'None'
sysEnvironmentenum - SysEnvironment'None'
versionTINYINT UNSIGNED0record version number starts at zero and goes up every time an execution record is republished eg bust 1m marks 10m marks etc
clOrdIdVARCHAR(24)''clOrdId resulting in fill child order
parentNumberCHAR(19)'0000-0000-0000-0000'SpiderRock parent number
packageIdBIGINT0groups related orderbrokers together eg Legger wMLeg Parent
altOrderIdVARCHAR(24)''alternate order ID usually clOrdId from client
srcRoutingCodeTINYTEXT''inbound FIX routing code if any
spdrSourceenum - SpdrSource'None'SpiderRock parent order source code broker pkey
groupingCodeCHAR(19)'0000-0000-0000-0000'SpiderRock parent broker number broker pkey
accntVARCHAR(16)''SpiderRock Accnt Code
clientFirmVARCHAR(16)''SpiderRock ClientFirm Code
priAggGroupVARCHAR(16)''primary aggregation group
secAggGroupVARCHAR(16)''secondary aggregation group
secKey_atenum - AssetType'None'security key
secKey_tsenum - TickerSrc'None'security key
secKey_tkVARCHAR(12)''security key
secKey_yrSMALLINT UNSIGNED0security key
secKey_mnTINYINT UNSIGNED0security key
secKey_dyTINYINT UNSIGNED0security key
secKey_xxDOUBLE0security key
secKey_cpenum - CallPut'Call'security key
secTypeenum - SpdrKeyType'None'security type Stock Future Option
ticker_atenum - AssetType'None'base ticker
ticker_tsenum - TickerSrc'None'base ticker
ticker_tkVARCHAR(12)''base ticker
viewGroup1VARCHAR(12)''viewGroup1 user supplied if any
viewGroup2VARCHAR(12)''viewGroup2 user supplied if any
viewGroup3VARCHAR(12)''viewGroup3 user supplied if any
riskClassVARCHAR(8)''user supplied risk class code from SymbolControl record
symbolTypeenum - SymbolType'None'symbol type
sectorVARCHAR(16)''user supplied sector code from SymbolControl record
indNumINT0ind num 00
subNumINT0sub num 0000
grpNumINT0grp num 000000
nbrNumINT0nbr num 00000000
edaysSMALLINT0days to next earnings 5 60
expCodeenum - ExpCode'None'expiration tenor code
skewCodeenum - SkewCode'None'strike skew code
widthCodeenum - WidthCode'None'market width code
priceFormatenum - PriceFormat'None'SpiderRock price display format code
uPriceFormatenum - PriceFormat'None'SpiderRock underlier price display code
yearsFLOAT0years to expiration
underliersPerCnINT0underliers per contract futures and options
underlierTypeenum - UnderlierType'None'underlier type affects greek calcs
tickValueFLOAT0NLV value of a single tick change in display premium pointValue tickValue tickSize
pointValueFLOAT0NLV value of a point
pointCurrencyenum - Currency'None'
uPrcRatioFLOAT0UPrcRatio SymbolRatio from product definition
routingCodeTINYTEXT''SpiderRock market routing code
origExecIDVARCHAR(20)''original execution ID string child order
lastExecIDVARCHAR(20)''most recent execution ID same as origExecID unless CANCELCORRECTION has been processed
transactDttmDATETIME(6)'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000'transaction datetime as reported by exchange or down stream broker
execStatusenum - ExecStatus'None'SpiderRock execution status FillBustCorrectRejectSysRej
remoteTextVARCHAR(64)''text comment from endpoint if any
orderLimitTypeenum - SpdrLimitType'None'parent order limit type Vol VolX PrcDe PrcDeX etc
orderLimitClassenum - SpdrLimitClass'Simple'parent order limit class makeLimitClass if fill was from making takeLimitClass if fill was from taking
parentShapeenum - SpdrOrderShape'None'
parentOrderHandlingenum - ParentOrderHandling'None'base parent order algo take style algo
parentBalanceHandlingenum - ParentBalanceHandling'None'base parent order balance handling make style algo
parentOrderSizeINT0parent order size
methodVARCHAR(16)''execution method string
strategyVARCHAR(36)''client strategy usually client supplied
userNameVARCHAR(24)''SpiderRock user name associated with the parent order
originVARCHAR(16)''parent order origin string
sourceVARCHAR(16)''execution source string
serverVARCHAR(20)''SpiderRock execution engine that handled the parent order
clearingFirmVARCHAR(8)''clearing firm delivery
clearingAccntVARCHAR(16)''clearing firm account if any
lastCapacityenum - OrderCapacity'None'child order capacity
execRoleenum - ExecRole'None'SpiderRock relationship to this execution record Direct Drop etc
execBrkrCodeVARCHAR(16)''SR exec broker acronym
execBrkrAccntVARCHAR(16)''account at executing brokerprime if any
execBrkrClFirmVARCHAR(16)''clientfirm at executing brokerprime if any
clearingFlipTypeenum - FlipType'None'clearingFlip Type CMTA or Giveup
clearingFlipFirmVARCHAR(6)''clearingFlip BrokerMPIDCMTA
clearingFlipAccntVARCHAR(10)''clearingFlip additional detail subaccnt
riskGroupIdCHAR(19)'0000-0000-0000-0000'riskGroupId parent order group ID for this execution report
fillBrkrRateFLOAT0billing brokerage rate tier 1
fillRoutingRateFLOAT0billing routing rate tier 1
billingSecTypeenum - BillingSecType'None'SpiderRock billing security type
billingCategoryenum - BillingCategory'None'SpiderRock billing category
firmTypeenum - FirmType'None'chld order firm type Customer ProCust Firm MM etc
sideenum - BuySell'None'parentchild order side
priceTypeenum - PriceType'None'order limit price type
ssaleFlagenum - ShortSaleFlag'None'child order short sale flag
spdrSSaleFlagenum - ShortSaleFlag'None'parent order short sale flag
positionTypeenum - PositionType'None'child order position type
autoHedgeenum - AutoHedge'None'SpiderRock autohedge algorithm if any
orderDttmDATETIME(6)'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000'Datetime of parent order arrival
orderUBidDOUBLE0underlier market bid parent order arrival
orderUAskDOUBLE0underlier market ask parent order arrival
orderBidDOUBLE0option market bid parent order arrival options only
orderAskDOUBLE0option market ask parent order arrival options only
orderSurfPrcFLOAT0SpiderRock surface price parent order arrival options only
orderLimitVolFLOAT0parent order limit volatilty options only
orderLimitPrcDOUBLE0parent order limit price parent order arrival
orderLimitRefUPrcDOUBLE0limit reference underlier price parent order arrival options only
childShapeenum - SpdrOrderShape'None'
childSizeINT0child order size
childPriceDOUBLE0child order price
childExchVARCHAR(6)''child order exchange code SpiderRock
childExDestVARCHAR(16)''child order exchange code downstream
childDttmDATETIME(6)'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000'child order send datetime
childUBidDOUBLE0underlier market bid child order send time
childUAskDOUBLE0underlier market bid child order send time
childBidDOUBLE0option market bid child order send time options only
childAskDOUBLE0option market ask child order send time options only
childSurfPrcFLOAT0SpiderRock surface price child order send time options only
childVolFLOAT0child order volatilty options only
childProbFLOAT0child order probability Tx
childLimitPrcDOUBLE0parent order limit price child order send time
childLimitRefUPrcDOUBLE0limit reference underlier price child order send time options only
childLimitPnlFLOAT0child limit improvement pnl childLimitPrc to fillPrice
childAlgoHandlerenum - ChildHandler'None'algo that generated the child order responsible for this fill
childOrderHandlingVARCHAR(24)''algo that generated the child order responsible for this fill
childCreateReasonenum - ChildCreateReason'None'child order create reason code
childCancelReasonenum - ChildCancelReason'None'child order cancel reason code
childMktStanceenum - MktStance'None'child order was expected to be marketable child send time
childCxlAttemptedenum - YesNo'None'cancel attempt was made on the child order prior to receiving this fill
childCxlFillLatencyFLOAT0cancel latency for fills with a cancel attempt
fillExchVARCHAR(12)''ExDest code from child order execution report lastMkt
fillPriceDOUBLE0fill price
fillTsDOUBLE0fill report ts seconds since startup 100 nanosec resolution
fillDttmDATETIME(6)'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000'Datetime of fill arrival
fillSizeINT0fill quantity
effFillSizeINT0fill size x underliers per contract
fillVolFLOAT0fill volatilty options only
fillProbFLOAT0fill order probability Tx
fillLimitPrcDOUBLE0parent order limit price fill arrival time
fillLimitRefUPrcDOUBLE0limit reference underlier price fill arrival time options only
fillLimitPnlFLOAT0fill limit improvement pnl fillLimitPrc to fillPrice
fillDeFLOAT0fill delta
fillVeFLOAT0fill vega
fillThFLOAT0fill theta
fillUPrcDOUBLE0fill underlier midmarket
fillBetaFLOAT0SpiderRock estimate of beta to SPX
fillTvFLOAT0theo vol user supplied
fillTpFLOAT0theo price
fillUBidDOUBLE0underlier market bid fill arrival
fillUAskDOUBLE0underlier market ask fill arrival
fillBidDOUBLE0option market bid fill arrival
fillAskDOUBLE0option market ask fill arrival
fillSurfPrcFLOAT0SpiderRock surface price fill arrival
fillPostUMark1MDOUBLE0underlier mark fill arrival 1M
fillPostUMark10MDOUBLE0underlier mark fill arrival 10M
fillPostMark1MDOUBLE0SpiderRock mid or surface mark fill arrival 1M
fillPostMark10MDOUBLE0SpiderRock mid or surface mark fill arrival 10M
marginUDnVDnFLOAT0Aggregate RiskSlide uPrc dn vol dn
marginUDnVUpFLOAT0Aggregate RiskSlide uPrc dn vol up
marginUUpVDnFLOAT0Aggregate RiskSlide uPrc up vol dn
marginUUpVUpFLOAT0Aggregate RiskSlide uPrc up vol up
riskCodeenum - RiskCode'None'SpiderRock Risk Code if any
exchLiquidityTagVARCHAR(4)''liquidity tag exchange
spdrLiquidityTagVARCHAR(2)''SpiderRock normalized liquidity tag
fillExchDetailTINYTEXT''other fix tags tagvaluetagvalue additional detail used for analysis
notionalValueFLOAT0cn mult uPrc
marketValueFLOAT0cn mult fillPrice
orderMktWidthFLOAT0market width parent order arrival
childMktWidthFLOAT0market width child order send time
fillMktWidthFLOAT0market width fill arrival
parentOrderAgeFLOAT0elaspsed time from parent order entryupdate to this fill event
parentAgeCodeenum - ParentAge'None'elaspsed time from parent order entryupdate to this fill event coded
trdDeltaFLOAT0trade delta
trdDDeltaFLOAT0trade delta
trdGammaFLOAT0trade gamma
trdVegaFLOAT0trade vega
trdWtVegaFLOAT0trade wtVega vega vol sqrtmax01 years 4
trdThetaFLOAT0trade theta
trdPremFLOAT0trade premium over parity
trdBetaFLOAT0trade beta
trdDBetaFLOAT0trade beta
surfEdgeFLOAT0SR surface edge user supplied theo volprc to SpiderRock surface price
surfEdgeUnitFLOAT0SR surface edge normalized to 100 underlier
theoEdgeFLOAT0theo edge user supplied theo volprc to SpiderRock surface price
theoEdgeUnitFLOAT0theo edge normalized to 100 underlier
exchFeeFLOAT0SpiderRock exchange fee estimate
halfWidthPnlFLOAT0estimated halfwidth Pnl
clArrivePnlFLOAT0dir qty fillPrice clArriveMark maybe use orderSurfPrc instead
arrivePnlFLOAT0dir qty fillPrice 05 orderBid orderAsk maybe use orderSurfPrc instead
arriveDnPnlFLOAT0arrivePnl uDriftArrivePnl
uDriftArrivePnlFLOAT0dir qty fillDe 05 fillUBid fillUAsk 05 orderUBid orderUAsk
dayDnPnlFLOAT0delta neutral Pnl to EOD
dayM1PnlFLOAT0delta neutral Pnl Fill 1M
dayM10PnlFLOAT0delta neutral Pnl Fill 10M
uDriftDayPnlFLOAT0underlier delta drift Pnl to EOD
uDriftM1PnlFLOAT0underlier delta drift Pnl Fill 1M
uDriftM10PnlFLOAT0underlier delta drift Pnl Fill 10M
dayPnlFLOAT0actual Pnl to EOD
liveMarkDOUBLE0SpiderRock internal use
liveUPrcDOUBLE0SpiderRock internal use
pendMarkDOUBLE0SpiderRock internal use
pendUPrcDOUBLE0SpiderRock internal use
trdMarkErrorVARCHAR(8)''trade mark error code
dayMarkErrorVARCHAR(8)''day mark error code
userData1TINYTEXT''client supplied data field passes through to parent and child executions and reports as well as FIX drops
userData2TINYTEXT''client supplied data field passes through to parent and child executions and reports as well as FIX drops
timestampDATETIME(6)'1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000'SR system timestamp




CREATE TABLE `SRRisk`.`MsgTradeCubeDetailV5` (
`fillNumber` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock execution number (globally unique over trailing 10 days)',
`tradeDate` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01' COMMENT 'trade date',
`runStatus` ENUM('None','Prod','Beta','UAT','SysTest') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`sysEnvironment` ENUM('None','Neptune','Pluto','V7_Stable','V7_Latest','Saturn','Venus','Mars','SysTest','V7_Current') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`version` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'record version number; starts at zero and goes up every time an execution record is re-published (eg, bust, +1m marks, +10m marks, etc)',
`clOrdId` VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'clOrdId resulting in fill (child order)',
`parentNumber` CHAR(19) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-0000-0000-0000' COMMENT 'SpiderRock parent number',
`packageId` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'groups related order/brokers together (eg. Legger w/MLeg Parent)',
`altOrderId` VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'alternate order ID (usually clOrdId from client)',
`srcRoutingCode` TINYTEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'inbound FIX routing code, if any',
`spdrSource` ENUM('None','SpdrTicket','SpdrSingle','SRSE','FIX','HedgeTool','TradeHedge','OpenHedge','AutoHedge','Orphan','RiskManager','OrderManager','ManagedOrder','RFQRespSrvr','Legger','SRSEDrop','FixDrop','TicketDrop','SysTest','RFRResponse','AllocOmni','AllocClient','CertGateway','MLegResponse','LeggerX','DropManager','AutoHedgeSrvr','AuctionStrategySrvr','AllocBlockFace','AllocBlockCust','IceChatGateway','EXS2SRC','MLinkResponse','AutoResponderVD','AutoResponderRC','AutoResponderSN','AutoResponderBX','MLink') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'SpiderRock parent order source code [broker pkey]',
`groupingCode` CHAR(19) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-0000-0000-0000' COMMENT 'SpiderRock parent broker number [broker pkey]',
`accnt` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SpiderRock Accnt Code',
`clientFirm` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SpiderRock ClientFirm Code',
`priAggGroup` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'primary aggregation group',
`secAggGroup` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'secondary aggregation group',
`secKey_at` ENUM('None','EQT','IDX','BND','CUR','COM','FUT','SYN','WAR','FLX','MUT','SPD','MM','MF','COIN','TOKEN','ANY') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'security key',
`secKey_tk` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'security key',
`secKey_xx` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'security key',
`secKey_cp` ENUM('Call','Put','Pair') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Call' COMMENT 'security key',
`secType` ENUM('None','Stock','Future','Option','MLeg') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'security type [Stock, Future, Option]',
`ticker_at` ENUM('None','EQT','IDX','BND','CUR','COM','FUT','SYN','WAR','FLX','MUT','SPD','MM','MF','COIN','TOKEN','ANY') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'base ticker',
`ticker_tk` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'base ticker',
`viewGroup1` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'viewGroup1 (user supplied; if any)',
`viewGroup2` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'viewGroup2 (user supplied; if any)',
`viewGroup3` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'viewGroup3 (user supplied; if any)',
`riskClass` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'user supplied risk class code (from SymbolControl record)',
`symbolType` ENUM('None','Equity','ADR','ETF','CashIndex','MutualFund','ShortETF','Future','Bond','DepReceipts','PreferredSec','PreferenceShare','StructuredProd','StapledSec','TradeableRights','Unit','Warrant','WhenIssued','ForeignIssue') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'symbol type',
`sector` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'user supplied sector code (from SymbolControl record)',
`indNum` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'ind num (00)',
`subNum` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'sub num (0000)',
`grpNum` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'grp num (000000)',
`nbrNum` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'nbr num (00000000)',
`edays` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'days to next earnings [-5, +60]',
`expCode` ENUM('None','W1','W2','M1','M2','M34','M56','M7C','Y1','Y2') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'expiration tenor code',
`skewCode` ENUM('None','DD','DN','AT','UP','DU') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'strike skew code',
`widthCode` ENUM('None','Pv1','Pv2','Pv3','Pv5','Pv10','Pv15','Pv20','Pv25','Wide') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'market width code',
`priceFormat` ENUM('None','N0','N1','N2','N3','N4','N5','N6','N7','F4','F8','Q8','F16','F32','H32','Q32','F64','H64','FullPenny','PartPenny','PartNickle','EQT','V1','V2','V3','V4','V5','V6','V7','V8','V9','V10','V11','V12','V13','V14','V15','A0','A1','A2','A3','A4','A5','A6','A7','E32','EU2A','EU2B','EU2C','EU2D','EU2E','EU3A','EU3B','EU3C','EU3D','EU3E','EU4A','EU5A') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'SpiderRock price display format code',
`uPriceFormat` ENUM('None','N0','N1','N2','N3','N4','N5','N6','N7','F4','F8','Q8','F16','F32','H32','Q32','F64','H64','FullPenny','PartPenny','PartNickle','EQT','V1','V2','V3','V4','V5','V6','V7','V8','V9','V10','V11','V12','V13','V14','V15','A0','A1','A2','A3','A4','A5','A6','A7','E32','EU2A','EU2B','EU2C','EU2D','EU2E','EU3A','EU3B','EU3C','EU3D','EU3E','EU4A','EU5A') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'SpiderRock underlier price display code',
`years` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'years to expiration',
`underliersPerCn` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underliers per contract (futures and options)',
`underlierType` ENUM('None','Equity','Other','FX') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'underlier type (affects $greek calcs)',
`tickValue` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '$NLV value of a single tick change in display premium (pointValue = tickValue / tickSize)',
`pointValue` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '$NLV value of a point',
`pointCurrency` ENUM('None','AUD','BRL','CAD','CHF','CNH','CNY','EUR','GBP','JPY','KRW','MXN','MYR','NOK','NZD','SEK','TRY','USD','USDCents','CZK','ZAR','HUF','USX','GBX','DKK','GEL') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`uPrcRatio` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'UPrcRatio (SymbolRatio) from product definition',
`routingCode` TINYTEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SpiderRock market routing code',
`origExecID` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'original execution ID string (child order)',
`lastExecID` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'most recent execution ID (same as origExecID unless CANCEL/CORRECTION has been processed)',
`transactDttm` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' COMMENT 'transaction date/time as reported by exchange or down stream broker',
`execStatus` ENUM('None','Fill','Bust','Correct','Reject','SysRej') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'SpiderRock execution status (Fill,Bust,Correct,Reject,SysRej)',
`remoteText` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'text comment from endpoint (if any)',
`orderLimitType` ENUM('None','Market','MarketArrival','Prc','PrcDe','PrcDeX','PrcDeT','PrcDeP','PrcDeXT','PrcDeXP','Vol','VolX','PrcV','PrcVX','NoLimit','RelMid','RelJoin','RelCross','SmrtFast','SmrtNorm','RelTurn','PrcDeEm','VolEm','Aux','UPrcPct','PkgNeutral','RcPrem','SynthLimitMM','SynthLimitBW','SynthLimitWW') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'parent order limit type [Vol, VolX, PrcDe, PrcDeX, etc]',
`orderLimitClass` ENUM('Simple','Surface','Probability','SurfProb') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Simple' COMMENT 'parent order limit class (makeLimitClass if fill was from making; takeLimitClass if fill was from taking)',
`parentShape` ENUM('None','Single','Cross','MLeg','MLegCross') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`parentOrderHandling` ENUM('None','ActiveTaker','PostOnly','DMA','MktOnOpn','MktOnCls','Facilitate','Matrix','Legger','Seeker','SeekerLegger','CrossResponse','AuctionResponse','MLegAuctionResp','RFQRequest','AwayAlgo','ExchPing','BlockAuction','BlockResponse','SweepTake','CobMaker','FaceOmni','TestParent') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'base parent order algo [take style algo]',
`parentBalanceHandling` ENUM('None','PostWith','PostTurn','PostImprove','PostLimit','MaxIntern','PostWthF','PostImprvR','PostFlash','PostFlashW','PostPeg','PostFlashI') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'base parent order balance handling [make style algo]',
`parentOrderSize` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'parent order size',
`method` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'execution method string',
`strategy` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'client strategy [usually client supplied]',
`userName` VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SpiderRock user name associated with the parent order',
`origin` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'parent order origin string',
`source` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'execution source string',
`server` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SpiderRock execution engine that handled the parent order',
`clearingFirm` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'clearing firm (delivery)',
`clearingAccnt` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'clearing firm account (if any)',
`lastCapacity` ENUM('None','Agency','Principal','Individual','Proprietary','AgentOtherMember','RisklessPrincipal') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'child order capacity',
`execRole` ENUM('None','DirectAccnt','AwayGiveup','RiskDrop','AwayDrop','PullDrop') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'SpiderRock relationship to this execution record (Direct, Drop, etc)',
`execBrkrCode` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SR exec broker acronym',
`execBrkrAccnt` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'account at executing broker/prime (if any)',
`execBrkrClFirm` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'client/firm at executing broker/prime (if any)',
`execBrkrUserName` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`clearingFlipType` ENUM('None','CMTA','Giveup','QSR','NSCC_Flip','DVP','BrkrAccnt') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'clearingFlip Type (CMTA or Giveup)',
`clearingFlipFirm` VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'clearingFlip Broker/MPID/CMTA',
`clearingFlipAccnt` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'clearingFlip additional detail (sub-accnt)',
`riskGroupId` CHAR(19) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-0000-0000-0000' COMMENT 'riskGroupId (parent order group ID) for this execution report',
`fillBrkrRate` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'billing brokerage rate (tier 1)',
`fillRoutingRate` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'billing routing rate (tier 1)',
`billingSecType` ENUM('None','Equity','Future','EqtOption','FutOption') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'SpiderRock billing security type',
`billingCategory` ENUM('None','Alpha','AlphaTop50','TiedMaker','TiedTaker','SOR','DMA','AuctionResponse','Facilitate','AlphaFacilitate','AwayTrade','SymOverride','Extern','NonBillable','Seeker','Legger','Drop','AwayAlgo','IsoSweep','SpdrSweep','GTH','AlphaGTH','BlockAuction','BlockResponse') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'SpiderRock billing category',
`firmType` ENUM('None','Customer','Firm','MarketMaker','ProCustomer','BrokerDealer','AwayMM','FirmJBO','BrkrDlrCust') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'chld order firm type [Customer, ProCust, Firm, MM, etc]',
`side` ENUM('None','Buy','Sell') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'parent/child order side',
`priceType` ENUM('None','Explicit','Offset','Zero') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'order limit price type',
`ssaleFlag` ENUM('None','Long','Short','Exempt','Auto','Open','Close','Cover','NA') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'child order short sale flag',
`spdrSSaleFlag` ENUM('None','Long','Short','Exempt','Auto','Open','Close','Cover','NA') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'parent order short sale flag',
`positionType` ENUM('None','Opening','Closing','Auto') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'child order position type',
`autoHedge` ENUM('None','Static','AutoMid','AutoCrx','AutoTrn','SpdrAuto','Spdr10S','Spdr30S','Spdr90S','Spdr5M','Spdr30M','SpdrDay','SmartFast','SmartNorm','FastCrx','FastDark','SlowDark','AlphaVwap1pct','AlphaVwap2pct','AlphaVwap5pct','AlphaVwap25pct','Custom','AwayAlgo') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'SpiderRock auto-hedge algorithm (if any)',
`orderDttm` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' COMMENT 'Date/time of parent order arrival',
`orderUBid` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underlier market bid @ parent order arrival',
`orderUAsk` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underlier market ask @ parent order arrival',
`orderBid` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'option market bid @ parent order arrival (options only)',
`orderAsk` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'option market ask @ parent order arrival (options only)',
`orderSurfPrc` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock surface price @ parent order arrival (options only)',
`orderLimitVol` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'parent order limit volatilty (options only)',
`orderLimitPrc` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'parent order limit price @ parent order arrival',
`orderLimitRefUPrc` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'limit reference underlier price @ parent order arrival (options only)',
`childShape` ENUM('None','Single','Cross','MLeg','MLegCross') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None',
`childSize` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'child order size',
`childPrice` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'child order price',
`childExch` VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'child order exchange code (SpiderRock)',
`childExDest` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'child order exchange code (downstream)',
`childDttm` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' COMMENT 'child order send date/time',
`childUBid` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underlier market bid @ child order send time',
`childUAsk` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underlier market bid @ child order send time',
`childBid` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'option market bid @ child order send time (options only)',
`childAsk` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'option market ask @ child order send time (options only)',
`childSurfPrc` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock surface price @ child order send time (options only)',
`childVol` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'child order volatilty (options only)',
`childProb` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'child order probability (T+x)',
`childLimitPrc` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'parent order limit price @ child order send time',
`childLimitRefUPrc` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'limit reference underlier price @ child order send time (options only)',
`childLimitPnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'child limit improvement pnl (childLimitPrc to fillPrice)',
`childAlgoHandler` ENUM('None','ActiveTaker','ActiveMaker','Auction','Responder','Matrix','Cross','Face','Extern','MLegHandler','AutoHedge','Sprayer','Legger','Restart','Orphan','UDefSpread','RFQRequest','MLegResponder','LeggerX','ExchPing','BrkrReview','AuctionResponder','TakeSweep','TestChild') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'algo that generated the child order responsible for this fill',
`childOrderHandling` VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'algo that generated the child order responsible for this fill',
`childCreateReason` ENUM('None','CheckAddExch','DarkCross','DmaExtern','DmaSmart','MakeJoin','MakeNbboImpr','MakePostLimit','MakeSelfImpr','MarketAuction','MatrixImpr','MatrixJoin','MatrixLvlSweep','MatrixMaxSweep','MLegSeeker','OptAuctionResp','OptFaceHandler','RelWaitTrigger','SprdDma','SprdFace','SprdSeeker','TakeBrkr','TakeExch','TakeNbbo','RFQRequest','MLegResponse','BrkrCross','PostFlash','MakeOff','MakeFlashImprv','AwayExtern','MatrixCross','ExchPing','BrkrReview','AuctionResponse','SweepTake','TestChild') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'child order create reason code',
`childCancelReason` ENUM('None','MakeException','MakeMaxRiskSize','MakeLimitError','MakeCxlImpr','MakeLmtPrc','MakeSelfImpr','MakeJoinImprv','MakeReJoin','MakeBhnd','MakeAlone','MakeAloneF','MakeOffMkt','MakeMaxExpose','MakeJoinImpr','ContLmtPrc','ChildCxlAll','ChildFlashCxl','ChildIOCTimeout','ForceRetry','StkCxlAll','FutCxlAll','OptCxlAll','FastCxlUBid','FastCxlUAsk','FastCxlUMin','FastCxlUMax','MktMiss','CxlClear','CxlRplDMA','CxlRplTurn','CxlRplSize','CxlRplPrc','CxlRplMake','CxlRplExch','MLegSeekSwitch','MLegSeekChange','MLegSeekND','MLegSeekLimit','MLegDMA','MLegSprdLimit','ParentRplRej','ParentReject','ParentClose','LeggerSwitch','AccelTake','EnginePreOpen','LegLmtPrcRng','MakeLmtPrcErr','ProgTerminate','TickSzErr','ContBrkrTerm','ContCancelHold','ContLimitErr','ContMaxUPrc','ContMinUPrc','ContMktData','ContMktHalt','ContRiskHold','ContSecType','ContStkData','ContStkState','ContFutData','ContFutState','ContOptData','ContOptState','ContUFutData','ContUFutState','ContUMktData','ContUMktState','LegExposeSize','LegLimitErr','LegMarketPrc','MLegCobLmtPrc','MLegLeggerChange','MLegLeggerSwitch','MLegSprdLmtPrc','SprdMktPrc','ContUMktPrc','ContUMktQte','SGContCxl','SGSysCxl','CxlRplPart','CxlRplAlgo','ContingentCancel','SwitchMOC','CxlRplReview','CxlRplAltR','SurfPrcErr','UserHold','DayClose','PendNewTimeout','ActiveHold') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'child order cancel reason code',
`childMktStance` ENUM('None','ExchMrkt','NbboMrkt','ExchImpr','NbboImpr','ExchJoin','NbboJoin','Away') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'child order was expected to be marketable @ child send time',
`childCxlAttempted` ENUM('None','Yes','No') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'cancel attempt was made on the child order prior to receiving this fill',
`childCxlFillLatency` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'cancel latency (for fills with a cancel attempt)',
`fillExch` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'ExDest code from child order execution report (lastMkt)',
`fillPrice` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'fill price',
`fillTs` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'fill report ts (seconds since startup; 100 nanosec resolution)',
`fillDttm` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' COMMENT 'Date/time of fill arrival',
`fillSize` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'fill quantity',
`effFillSize` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'fill size x underliers per contract',
`fillVol` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'fill volatilty (options only)',
`fillProb` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'fill order probability (T+x)',
`fillLimitPrc` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'parent order limit price @ fill arrival time',
`fillLimitRefUPrc` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'limit reference underlier price @ fill arrival time (options only)',
`fillLimitPnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'fill limit improvement pnl (fillLimitPrc to fillPrice)',
`fillDe` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'fill delta',
`fillVe` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'fill vega',
`fillTh` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'fill theta',
`fillUPrc` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'fill underlier mid-market',
`fillBeta` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock estimate of beta to SPX',
`fillTv` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'theo vol (user supplied)',
`fillTp` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'theo price',
`fillUBid` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underlier market bid @ fill arrival',
`fillUAsk` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underlier market ask @ fill arrival',
`fillBid` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'option market bid @ fill arrival',
`fillAsk` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'option market ask @ fill arrival',
`fillSurfPrc` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock surface price @ fill arrival',
`fillPostUMark1M` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underlier mark @ fill arrival + 1M',
`fillPostUMark10M` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underlier mark @ fill arrival + 10M',
`fillPostMark1M` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock mid or surface mark @ fill arrival + 1M',
`fillPostMark10M` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock mid or surface mark @ fill arrival + 10M',
`marginUDnVDn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Aggregate RiskSlide: uPrc dn, vol dn',
`marginUDnVUp` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Aggregate RiskSlide: uPrc dn, vol up',
`marginUUpVDn` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Aggregate RiskSlide: uPrc up, vol dn',
`marginUUpVUp` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Aggregate RiskSlide: uPrc up, vol up',
`riskCode` ENUM('None','R1','R2','R3','R4','R5','R6','R7','R8') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'SpiderRock Risk Code (if any)',
`exchLiquidityTag` VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'liquidity tag (exchange)',
`spdrLiquidityTag` VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SpiderRock normalized liquidity tag',
`fillExchDetail` TINYTEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'other fix tags (tag:value#tag:value) [additional detail used for analysis]',
`notionalValue` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'cn * mult * uPrc',
`marketValue` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'cn * mult * fillPrice',
`orderMktWidth` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'market width @ parent order arrival',
`childMktWidth` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'market width @ child order send time',
`fillMktWidth` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'market width @ fill arrival',
`parentOrderAge` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'elaspsed time from parent order entry/update to this fill event',
`parentAgeCode` ENUM('None','Sec1','Sec5','Sec20','Sec60','Min5','Min30','Hour2','LT') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None' COMMENT 'elaspsed time from parent order entry/update to this fill event [coded]',
`trdDelta` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'trade delta',
`trdDDelta` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'trade $delta',
`trdGamma` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'trade gamma',
`trdVega` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'trade vega',
`trdWtVega` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'trade wtVega (vega * vol / sqrt(max(0.1, years * 4)))',
`trdTheta` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'trade theta',
`trdPrem` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'trade premium over parity',
`trdBeta` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'trade beta',
`trdDBeta` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'trade $beta',
`surfEdge` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SR surface edge (user supplied theo vol/prc to SpiderRock surface price)',
`surfEdgeUnit` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SR surface edge normalized to $100 underlier',
`theoEdge` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'theo edge (user supplied theo vol/prc to SpiderRock surface price)',
`theoEdgeUnit` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'theo edge normalized to $100 underlier',
`exchFee` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock exchange fee estimate',
`halfWidthPnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'estimated half-width Pnl',
`clArrivePnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '-dir * qty * (fillPrice - clArriveMark) # maybe use orderSurfPrc instead',
`arrivePnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '-dir * qty * (fillPrice - 0.5 * (orderBid + orderAsk)) # maybe use orderSurfPrc instead',
`arriveDnPnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'arrivePnl - uDriftArrivePnl',
`uDriftArrivePnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '-dir * qty * fillDe * (0.5 * (fillUBid + fillUAsk) - 0.5 * (orderUBid + orderUAsk))',
`dayDnPnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'delta neutral Pnl (to EOD)',
`dayM1Pnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'delta neutral Pnl (Fill + 1M)',
`dayM10Pnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'delta neutral Pnl (Fill + 10M)',
`uDriftDayPnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underlier delta drift Pnl (to EOD)',
`uDriftM1Pnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underlier delta drift Pnl (Fill + 1M)',
`uDriftM10Pnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'underlier delta drift Pnl (Fill + 10M)',
`dayPnl` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'actual Pnl to EOD',
`liveMark` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock internal use',
`liveUPrc` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock internal use',
`pendMark` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock internal use',
`pendUPrc` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'SpiderRock internal use',
`trdMarkError` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'trade mark error code',
`dayMarkError` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'day mark error code',
`userData1` TINYTEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'client supplied data field; passes through to parent and child executions and reports as well as FIX drops',
`userData2` TINYTEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'client supplied data field; passes through to parent and child executions and reports as well as FIX drops',
`timestamp` DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' COMMENT 'SR system timestamp',
CONSTRAINT nonnegative_parentNumber CHECK(ASCII(parentNumber) < 56),
CONSTRAINT nonnegative_groupingCode CHECK(ASCII(groupingCode) < 56),
CONSTRAINT nonnegative_riskGroupId CHECK(ASCII(riskGroupId) < 56),
PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (`fillNumber`,`tradeDate`)
) ENGINE=SRSE DEFAULT CHARSET=LATIN1 COMMENT='TradeCubeDetail records are published by CoreRiskServers and are visible in SRSE throughout the day. They are designed to be aggregated and analyzed over time.\nTradeCubeDetail records are published to the SpiderRock Archive Host data pipeline after all markup detail is complete.';


FROM `SRRisk`.`MsgTradeCubeDetailV5`
/* Replace with a BIGINT */
`fillNumber` = 1234567890
/* Replace with a DATE */
`tradeDate` = '2022-01-01';

Doc Columns Query

SELECT * FROM SRRisk.doccolumns WHERE TABLE_NAME='TradeCubeDetailV5' ORDER BY ordinal_position ASC;