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SpiderRock Connect contains an OrderEntry FIX gateway that allows clients to enter and manage parent orders and the execution engine ParentBrokers they are associated with.

Clients can then interact with various exchanges as well as our new SpiderRock ATS via the child orders from these execution engine ParentBrokers algorithms generate.

SpiderRock Connect also contains FIX Drop Servers for execution only, parent order, and child order FIX message streams.

Our production and certification FIX gateways are available via cross-connect, VPN or private network and are available during normal market hours.

We also operate development environments that we call sandboxes that allow clients to develop against and practice with prior to certifying or sending live orders. These sandboxes are running either our current production or, in some cases, a pre-release version of our code. They contain a limited number of symbols and are running simulated or fake data. They are available 23x7 and do not require either live market data authorization or special network access.

Contact us for help getting started connecting with one of our FIX gateways.