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Schema: FieldDesc (ID: 3325)


MLink TokenMLinkRest

Note: The symbol = next to a field number indicates that it is a primary key.


100posushortposition in message (1...N)
103namestring(32)field name
106fNumushortprotobuf field number
109isPkeyenum : YesNoYesNo enum (if field is a primary key)
112inRepeaterstring(32)if field is in a repeating group, the repeater's name
115fTypeenum : FieldTypeField Type
118jsonEncTypestring(32)overriden type specifically for JSON encoding
121protoEncTypestring(32)overriden type specifically for protobuf encoding
124sLenushortstring length (if fType is string)
127eNamestring(64)enum name (if fType is enum)
130eSettext2comma separated list of enum or string values (can be specific for a given user; default complete set)
133defaultValstring(64)from Core.def: (...) can be a string, number, xKey, or partial xKey
136desctext2from core.def: ... # comment line
139fCtrlenum : FieldControlNone = should not be visible; View = view only; Edit = View/Edit; Hide = Suppress on UI; Init = only can set during message creation; (form level directive)
142minVdoubleform edit number range min bound (if field is a numeric type) [enforced on edit]
145maxVdoubleform edit number range max bound (if field is a numeric type) [enforced on edit]
148metaTypestring(16)metatype associated with field
151labeltext2column (grid) and widget (form) label
154grouptext2form flow groups
157formattext2numeric format string (eg. '#,###.00') (both grid and form)
160cColorbytegrid column color number (color palette number) (0 means undefined)
163contextQuerytext2context query for pseudo enum fields with format of contextQuery=otherMsgType