Client Volatility Surfaces
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of SpiderRock Connect's volatility surfaces and to describe some of the methods that customers can use to upload their own volatilities into SpiderRock Connect's platform via SRSE.
The SpiderRock Connect surface volatilities are modeled and stored in terms of strike moneyness and volatility percent. This is an approach that normalizes the structure of the curve in a way that is less dependent on the current underlying price and ATM volatility and is more consistent across all strikes and time-to-expiration.
One important concept to understand when modeling volatility is the idea of moneyness. Essentially, it is a relationship between the underlying price and the strike price of an option. When the underlying price (or more specifically, the forward price) is the same as an option’s strike, that option is said to be “at the money”. When the underlying price is either above or below the strike, the option is said to be “in the money” or “out of the money”, depending on whether the option payout would be positive or zero at the underlying price level.
A moneyness function is any increasing function in strike for a given underlying price. Such a function can be useful as a tool to compare relative positions between strikes of different expirations. Two common examples of this are the transformation of strike into standard deviation away from spot and the transformation of strike into put delta. Several moneyness functions can be used for client curves in SpiderRock Connect, and this section defines them.
For sake of simplicity, this document will use the following shorthand symbols or notation:
- S - underlying price, or forward price, depending on modeling requirements
- K - option strike
- T - time to expiration (see the option pricing technical note for an explanation of “volatility time” in years)
- 𝜎𝐴𝑇𝑀 - at-the-money volatility for the option
- 𝜎𝐾 - volatility for an option at strike K
SpiderRock Connect's volatility surfaces are modeled in terms of moneyness instead of strike. This provides for more flexibility and speed when fitting the market because the relative shape of volatility surfaces (for equities and many other products) tends to remain more consistent within this framework. As market underlying prices move around, the shape of volatility can be less variable when viewed in relative terms to the underlying price and ATM volatility.
When strike moneyness is calculated within SpiderRock Connect, the forward of the underlying price is generally used for S, unless otherwise specified.
Standard Deviation
One of the most commonly understood moneyness functions is standard deviation. It is useful both because of its simplicity, and because it evaluates each strike in terms of both volatility and time-to-expiration, allowing reasonable comparisons between different option expirations.
In a typical Black-Scholes framework, volatility can be interpreted in percent terms of the underlying price. An approximation for a single standard-deviation movement in the underlying is given by multiplying the (time-scaled) volatility by the underlying price:
To convert a strike into standard deviation, divide the difference between the strike and the underlying price by a single standard deviation:
- Note: For the above two equivalent expressions, the expression on the left naturally extends from the definition of measuring the distance in terms of a 1-SD move, and the expression on the right reformulates the calculation in terms of percent distance from the underlying price.
Simple moneyness is a conversion of strike into percent distance from the underlying price:
Simple Root Time
Simple root time moneyness is percent distance from the underlying price, normalized by the square root of time-to-expiration:
- Note: that the similarity to standard deviation moneyness – differing only by a lack of normalization to ATM volatility.
Normal moneyness is measured by taking the point difference between the strike and underlying price, and dividing by the ATM volatility times the square root of time-to-expiration:
- Note: Normal volatility differs from the more familiar Black-Scholes volatility, in that the units are interpreted in point terms instead of as a percentage of the underlying price level. Thus, a single standard deviation in the underlying is:
With this understanding, normal moneyness can be interpreted as a standard deviation type of moneyness, as measured by the ATM volatility of a normal pricing model.
Standard Moneyness
The default moneyness for most curves in SpiderRock Connect is standardized moneyness.
In many respects, standardized moneyness is similar to standard deviation moneyness. The difference is essentially in how the percent distance between the strike and the underlying is calculated. A simple percent-rate calculation comes from the ratio between the strike and the underlying price, whereas a continuous-rate calculation comes from the natural logarithm of the strike to underlying ratio: