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SRSE Product: SRSpread

#Message NameDescription
2895SpreadBookMarkupLive spread quotes with SpiderRock markup details for equity and future option spreads.
2900SpreadBookQuoteThis table contains live spread quote records from the individual equity option exchanges. Each record contains up to two price levels and represents a live snapshot of the book for a specific spread.
3155SpreadCloseMarkSpreadCloseMark records are created immediately after the market close (clsMarkState=SRClose), when exchanges publish official marks (clsMarkState=ExchClose), and again during top of day rotation (clsMarkState=Final). These records contain closing quotes and prices as well as markup details for all exchange spreads
2925SpreadMarketSummaryThese records represent live market summary snapshots for each active spread market
3160SpreadOpenMarkSpreadOpenMark records are created during the end-of-day rotation for each ticker and intended for use the following trading day.