The SpiderRock Connect MLink API provides access to live-data objects from a SpiderRock Connect system environment. This page provides documentation for how developers can connect to MLink servers and send or receive these live-data objects.
The MLink API has the following primary features:
- HTTP/REST style API including GET and POST commands, filtering, aggregation.
- HTTP/WebSocket style API for subscribing to live-data updates in both narrow and broad contexts.
- 3 message delivery protocols: JSON, Framed JSON or Google Protocol Buffers
- Real-time, delayed, and simulated market data
- Access via API Key or TOTP/Session Key authentication*
- A rich set of data topics that cover live market data and analytics as live risk and trading live-data objects.
- Full on-line message schema support for all live-data objects.
Message Categories
In MLink, messages are organized and permissioned by MLink tokens. Access to live-data objects is granted by associating an MLink token with the API Key / UserName used to log in. The full set of available MLink tokens can be found in the Message Schemas section of this site which is generated directly from the current system codebase and is always up to date.
Some examples of MLink Tokens are:
Token | Description |
EqtMktData | Stock quote and prints |
OptMktData | Options quote and prints |
FutMktData | Futures quote and prints |
EqtMarkData | Stock open and close marks |
OptMarkData | Options open, close, surface, closing greeks marks |
FutMarkData | Futures open, close and settlement marks |
EqtExchImbalance | Stock market auction imbalances |
OptSurface | Options surfaces, at-the-money volatility and related |
OptAnalytics | Options implied quotes and risk slides |
OptExchAuction | Auction State trial match message |
RiskCalc | Option Volatility and Price Calculator |
EquityDefinition | Production definitions for equities |
ClientTrading | Client Trading (Orders, Executions) messages |
ClientRisk | Client Risk messages |
SRConnect | Auction related messages for the ATS |