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Network Access

All SpiderRock Connect APIs and network services can be accessed by connecting to SpiderRock Connect's production (Saturn) or staging (Venus) environments. In addition, clients can connect to one of the sandbox (Test/Dev) environments at any time as part of their software develop process.

All of SpiderRock Connect's service access points are public or semi-public addresses on the client facing (front-end) side of a reverse proxy cluster and are available as follows:

WebApp/WTSWebApp tool suite server poolTCP/HTTPSX-Con, VPN, Internet
MLink/RESTPrimary MLink/REST server poolTCP/HTTPSX-Con, VPN, Internet
MLink/WSPrimary MLink/WS server poolTCP/HTTPSX-Con, VPN, Internet
SRSE/PrimaryPrimary SRSE server poolTCP/MariaDBX-Con, VPN
SRSE/PrivatePrivate SRSE server poolsTCP/MariaDBX-Con, VPN
FIX/CGWFIX client gateway serversTCP/FIX 4.xX-Con, VPN
FIX/DropFIX drop serversTCP/FIX 4.xX-Con, VPN

Production services for WebApp tools, MLink servers, and SRSE/Primary servers are organized into service pools and there is no guarantee that a client will connect to the same backend server if they disconnect/reconnect.

All inbound client FIX sessions are assigned a unique IP/Port pair. This FIX connect address is associated with the SenderCompID/TargetCompID of a client's FIX session as well as their SpiderRock client firm. SpiderRock Connect only accepts production FIX connections via cross-connect or VPN and will internally verify source address / client firm correspondence for all connections.

SRSE/Private services are provisioned by IP/Port pair (you will receive a unique IP/Port for each SRSE/Private service provisioned). These private addresses are only available via cross-connect or VPN.

SpiderRock can establish site-to-site VPN service from most places in the world and can accept cross connects in Equinix CH2, NY4, NY5, EC2 and FR2 facilities. Contact SpiderRock for more information or help getting connected.

The primary access point for US equity, future, and option markets and data is NY5. The primary access point for European markets and data is FR2. In general, SpiderRock Connect does not make US data available in our European data centers or visa-versa.

If a client wishes to run SpiderRock Connect's WebApp tool suite and access data from both the US and Europe interchangeably from the same tool instance, that client will need network access to both NY5 and FR2 from the machine or device the tool is running on.

SpiderRock Connect services all have URLs that indicate the service type as well as the location of the service. The general pattern is:


Saturn is SpiderRock Connect's production system-environment and Venus is our staging system-environment and our system-realms are as follows:

NMSUS/NY5US equity and option markets and data
CMEUS/DC3US CME futures and options markets and data
FR2EU/FR2European equity, future, and options markets and data

MLink/REST and MLink/WebSocket APIs have various access endpoint addresses. These endpoints are globally accessible via internet routes but can also be accessed via private network routes. The following table lists the MLink endpoints and their respective IP addresses and FQDNs.

MLink FQDNs utilizes the standard HTTPS port (443) and can be used for either REST or WebSocket connections.


MLink EndpointIP AddressFQDNDescription
Live192.81.231.65mlink-live.nms.saturn.spiderrockconnect.comlive market data
Delay192.81.231.65mlink-delay.nms.saturn.spiderrockconnect.comdelayed market data
Speed192.81.231.65mlink-speed.nms.saturn.spiderrockconnect.combenchmark testing
Order192.81.231.65mlink-order.nms.saturn.spiderrockconnect.comorder entry


MLink EndpointIP AddressFQDNDescription
Live192.81.231.81mlink-live.nms.venus.spiderrockconnect.comlive market data
Delay192.81.231.81mlink-delay.nms.venus.spiderrockconnect.comdelayed market data
Speed192.81.231.81mlink-speed.nms.venus.spiderrockconnect.combenchmark testing
Order192.81.231.81mlink-order.nms.venus.spiderrockconnect.comorder entry

SRSE End Points

SRSE can be accessed via private cross connection networks or via VPN. SRSE access is provisioned once a client is onboarded and accessible via the public pool of servers. If a client has a private SRSE instance, then that connection information will be provided by the Client Support Desk.


Private SRSE ports are provided by SpiderRock when provisioned.

SRSE EndpointIP AddressPortFQDNDescription
SRSE Public192.81.231.663700srse.nms.saturn.spiderrockconnect.comPublic SRSE pool
SRSE Private192.81.231.66XXXXsrse.nms.saturn.spiderrockconnect.comPrivate SRSE instance

FIX End Points

FIX can be accessed via private cross connection networks or via VPN. FIX access is provisioned once a client is onboarded. Please contact the Client Support Desk to coordinate FIX access coordination with SpiderRock Networking. FIX connections include Order routing and Drop Copy services.

FIX Production and UAT

FIX session ports are assigned by SpiderRock when sessions are provisioned.

FIX EndpointIP AddressFQDNDescription
fix-prod192.81.231.68fix-prod.nms.saturn.spiderrockconnect.comProduction FIX endpoint
fix-uat192.81.231.67fix-uat.nms.saturn.spiderrockconnect.comUAT FIX endpoint


The SpiderRock Connect sandboxes are test/development environments that are globally accessible via internet routes but can also be accessed via private network routes. The following table lists the MLink endpoints and their respective IP addresses and FQDNs.

MLink EndpointIP AddressFQDNDescription
mlink-test192.81.231.72mlink-test.nms.saturn.spiderrockconnect.comproduction code
mlink-test192.81.231.88mlink-test.nms.venus.spiderrockconnect.comstaging (pre-release) code

FIX / Development

FIX sessions ports for sandboxes are available on request

FIX EndpointIP AddressFQDNDescription
fix-test192.81.231.72fix-test.nms.saturn.spiderrockconnect.comproduction code
fix-test192.81.231.88fix-test.nms.venus.spiderrockconnect.comstaging (pre-release) code