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#Message NameDescription
4485MarketHoursConfigExpected trading day market schedule for each TradingPeriod and SecType. Including schedules for equity, futures, and options markets. The NMS schedule is the NYSE announced trading calendar. Other markets are from the listing exchange.

Typically includes records for the current week, previous week and next week
4450NMSCircuitBreakerThis table contains circuit breaker information for market centers with circuit breakers. Note that circuit breaker records may not always exist for a market center.
4460ProductPriceBandThis table contains live trading bands, as advertised by the listing exchange, for futures markets with bands.
4465ProductTradingStatusThis table contains live trading status records for entire product groups (futures and options) and asset groups and individual instruments
4470ProductTradingStatusV2This table contains live trading status records for entire product groups (futures and options) and asset groups and individual instruments