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#Message NameDescription
1950SpdrOptTheoRecordSpdrOptTheoRecords can be used to override theoretical volatilities for specific strikes when using SpdrTheoExpSurface records.
1955SpdrTheoExp2PtCurveSpdrTheoExp2PtCurve records are used along side SpdrTheoExpSurface records to provide a complete x/y specification of a theoretical skew curve. Spline interpolation is used for values between x/y points
1960SpdrTheoExpSurfaceSpdrTheoExpSurface records reprent a client theoretical volatility surface for a ExpiryKey (ticker + expiration). These records can either directly specify parameters to be used in a parameterized surface function or can link to a record (eg. SpdrTheoExp2PtCurve) containing x/y points sampling a client constructed curve. Alternatively, they can specify that a SpiderRock implied skew curve should be used along with client supplied atm volatilities.

Surface dynamics can be specified in multiple ways with these records and a number of pricing parameter overrides are also available.

See the technical note on client supplied theoretical surfaces for more details.