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SRSE Product: SRTrade

#Message NameDescription
5130AutoHedgeControlGatewaySpdrAutoHedgeControl contains autohedge / risk group control details. Can be uploaded from SRSE, created from ExecutionEngines, or created by SR tools.
5290AutoHedgeSymbolAutoHedgeSymbol records are published by autohedge servers and contain all valid hedge target symbols. Execution engines reject auto-hedge requests for hedgeSecKeys that are not in this set.
5140ExternAggGroupGatewayThis table allows clients to enter start-of-day positions, and quantity bot/sld today for each market. AggGroup is a code issued by SpiderRock to indentify the aggregation group that the reported positions and trades belong to. This will usually be your SpiderRock assigned ClientFirm code unless your firm has more than one aggregation unit. Note that start-of-day positions can be truncated if the truncation will not affect order marking. Contact SpiderRock support for details if this is what you intend.
5145FutAwayTktGatewayFutAwayTktGateway inserts are validated and convered to away SpdrParentExecution records and published. If successfully published they will be visible in the SpdrParentExecution table and on SpiderRock GUI tools.

Replaces are allowed but they are functionally identical to updates in that only the fillPrice and fillQuantity fields are actually changed.
5150FutOrderGatewayRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the FutureOrderGateway table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.
5155MLegOrderGatewayRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the MLegOrderGateway table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.
5160OptAwayTktGatewayOptAwayTktGateway inserts are validated and convered to away SpdrParentExecution records and published. If successfully published they will be visible in the SpdrParentExecution table and on SpiderRock GUI tools.

Replaces are allowed but they are functionally identical to updates in that only the fillPrice and fillQuantity fields are actually changed.
5165OptOrderGatewayRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the OptionOrderGateway table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.
5180ParentOrderGatewayRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the ParentOrderGateway table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.
5185ParentOrderGatewayExtRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the ParentOrderGatewayExt table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.
3985SpdrAccntCancelRecords inserted into this table will result in the cancellation of all active/cancelable orders for the indicated SpiderRock trading accnt.
5295SpdrAutoHedgeControlSpdrAutoHedgeControl contains autohedge / risk group control details. Can be uploaded from SRSE, created from ExecutionEngines, or created by SR tools.

5300SpdrAutoHedgeStateSpdrAutoHedgeState records are published by autohedge servers and describe the current state of an autohedge controller that is managing RiskGroup autohedge orders.
1450SpdrAwayExecutionSpdrAwayExecution records are published by ToolServers, SRSE, and FIX drop recv gateways. They are consumed by AwayExecutionMarkupServer which, in turn, publishes corresponding SpdrParentExecution records, including M1 and M10 updates.
3990SpdrBrokerCancelRecords inserted into this table causes the corresponding parent broker to cancel the current underlying parent order if active and cancellable.
3920SpdrClientFirmRiskMgmtSpdrClientFirmRiskMgmt records are created/published by SpiderRock Execution Engines and show exchange level risk management child order rejects.
3925SpdrExchRiskMgmtSpdrExchRiskMgmt records are created/published by SpiderRock Execution Engines and show exchange level risk management child order rejects.
3835SpdrExchRiskResetSpdrExchRiskMgmt records are created/published by SpiderRock Execution Engines and show exchange level risk management child order rejects.
4000SpdrFixParentCancelRecords inserted into this table causes the corresponding parent order to be cancelled if it is active and cancellable.
4010SpdrFixParentRejectRecord indicates that either a SpdrParentOrder (Add or Replace) or FixParentCancel request failed
4025SpdrMLegBrkrEventSpdrMLegBrkrEvent records are published when a new or clx/replace parent order arrives causes a broker to beging working and again when a parent order terminates and the underlying broker stops working. The initial version contains state and market data from just after the initial risk check and first attempt at generating child orders.
4030SpdrMLegBrkrStateSpdrMLegBrkrState records are published by execution engines and describe the current state of a broker that is managing a SpiderRock parent order. These records include a description of the active child orders managed by the broker. Records are updated whenever a child order changes and also at other times but are not completely live and may not always reflect current market data or limit levels for working orders.
4060SpdrParentBrkrDetailSpdrParentBrkrDetail records are created/published by SpiderRock Execution Engines. Each record describes the current active detail of a single parent broker.
4065SpdrParentBrkrEventSpdrParentBrkrEvent records are published when a new or cxl/replace parent order arrives causes a broker to begin working and again when a parent order terminates and the underlying broker stops working. The initial version contains state and market data from just after the initial risk check and first attempt at generating child orders.
4070SpdrParentBrkrStateSpdrParentBrkrState records are created/published by SpiderRock Execution Engines. Each record describes the current state of one (or more) parent orders. If a parent order is canceled/replaced then entire chain is represented by a single broker state record.
4075SpdrParentBrokerSummarySpdrParentBrokerSummary records are created at the end of a trading period and contain a summary of trading activity for the period; Summary of Stk/Fut/Opt/MLeg Brkr State records.
4080SpdrParentCancelRecords inserted into this table causes the corresponding parent order to be cancelled if it is active and cancellable.

Either put in a custom datasource or deprecate from SRSE (Natively not allowed to be modified via SRSE)
4085SpdrParentExecutionSpdrParentExecution records are published every time a parent order execution is received. They also update as additional post execution mark information is available at F+1m and F+10m.
4090SpdrParentLimitSpdrParentLimit records are supplied by clients (via SRSE) for use with parent orders having orderLimitType=Aux. This table can be updated either before or after a parent order begins working and will influence the limit(s) used when working child orders. Updates to this table do not constitute cancel/replace operations for the parent order.
4095SpdrParentOrderSpdrParentOrder records are visible in SRSE immediately after receipt. Parent orders received via FIX, SRSE or SpiderRock GUI tools, or 3rd party vendor systems are all visible in this table.

Parent orders can be for stocks, futures, options or spreads. And they can be one-sided (agency) or two-sided (facilitation) orders. Parent order records should be immutable and not update.

SpdrParentOrder records are published to the SpiderRock elatic cluster on arrival.
4100SpdrParentReportSpdrParentReport records contain the current state of a parent order and update as/when the order state changes.

SpdrParentReport records are published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster when they reach a terminal state (closed, rejected, filled, etc.)
4195SpdrParentReviewRequestSpdrParentReviewRequest records created when a parent order is submitted with StageType=StageReview. These records indicate that an external review of the parent order has been requested.
4200SpdrParentReviewResponseSpdrParentReviewResponse records are created when a parent order review request is completed
4105SpdrReleaseWaitTriggerSpdrReleaseWaitTrigger records are used to trigger the release of parent orders submitted with startType=WaitTrigger. Note that all parent orders in a risk group will be triggered together.
2325SpdrRiskExecutionSpdrRiskExecution records are published every time a SpdrParentExecution record is published
1467SpdrRiskGroupCancelRecords inserted into this table causes the corresponding parent broker to cancel the current underlying parent order if active and cancellable.
4110SpdrRouteCancelRecords inserted into this table will result in the cancellation of all active/cancelable orders for the indicated SpiderRock routing code
4115SpdrSecKeyCancelRecords inserted into this table causes the corresponding parent broker to cancel the current underlying parent order if active and cancellable.
4120SpdrSetActiveSizeSpdrSetActiveSize records control the active working size for parent orders that are locked (have active size controls). These records can be modified by ClientRiskTrader and ClientStageTrader user types.
4135SpdrStripeTriggerSpdrStripeTrigger records are used to allocate sweep risk and trigger cross stripe release of parent orders submitted with startType=WaitTrigger. These records are published by a SR Strategy Server if/when a SpdrReleaseWaitTrigger message is received.
2330SpdrSweepDetailSpdrSweepDetail records are published by execution engines when sweep trigger groups are processed
2335SpdrSweepExchDetailSpdrSweepExchDetail records are published by execution engines when sweep trigger groups are processed
4140SpdrUserCancelRecords inserted into this table cancels all parent orders associated with userName/clientFirm
5220StkAwayTktGatewayStkAwayTktGateway inserts are validated and convered to away SpdrParentExecution records and published. If successfully published they will be visible in the SpdrParentExecution table and on SpiderRock GUI tools.

Replaces are allowed but they are functionally identical to updates in that only the fillPrice and fillQuantity fields are actually changed.
5225StkOrderGatewayRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the StockOrderGateway table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.