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#Message NameDescription
5130AutoHedgeControlGatewaySpdrAutoHedgeControl contains autohedge / risk group control details. Can be uploaded from SRSE, created from ExecutionEngines, or created by SR tools.
5290AutoHedgeSymbolAutoHedgeSymbol records are published by autohedge servers and contain all valid hedge target symbols. Execution engines reject auto-hedge requests for hedgeSecKeys that are not in this set.
1725AvailableStockLocatesThis table shows the available (unused) locates for each locate pool and firm. Value update as trades occur that utilizes existing locates.
5135AwayStockLocateGatewayRecords inserted into this table represent locates that clients have received away from SpiderRock. After validation, any away locate inserted into this table is turned into a StockLocateResponse record and appears in the StockLocateResponse table.
4750CurrencyPositionRecordV5CurrencyPositionRecords are live risk records that contain start-of-day positions and all subsequent transactions.

These records are published by a CoreRiskServer and represent the position and risk markup detail for a single currency.

New records are published immediately when a position changes and about once per minute if no position has changed.
4760EquityCorpActionRecordV5corp action record (managed by SR)
4765ExpirationRiskRecordV5ExpirationRiskRecords contain account level position and risk summary detail. These records are published by AggRiskServers throughout the day approximately once per minute.
5140ExternAggGroupGatewayThis table allows clients to enter start-of-day positions, and quantity bot/sld today for each market. AggGroup is a code issued by SpiderRock to indentify the aggregation group that the reported positions and trades belong to. This will usually be your SpiderRock assigned ClientFirm code unless your firm has more than one aggregation unit. Note that start-of-day positions can be truncated if the truncation will not affect order marking. Contact SpiderRock support for details if this is what you intend.
5145FutAwayTktGatewayFutAwayTktGateway inserts are validated and convered to away SpdrParentExecution records and published. If successfully published they will be visible in the SpdrParentExecution table and on SpiderRock GUI tools.

Replaces are allowed but they are functionally identical to updates in that only the fillPrice and fillQuantity fields are actually changed.
5150FutOrderGatewayRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the FutureOrderGateway table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.
2605FuturePrintMarkupFuturePrintMarkup records are created for all future prints
2610FuturePrintSetFuturePrintSet records are created for all future prints (outrights and spreads) and published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster when markup detail is complete (F+10M)
4780FutureRiskDetailV5FutureRiskDetail records contain semi-static markup detail for FutureRiskSummary records.
4540GlobalRiskControlGlobalRiskControl records are used to establish ticker specific order size risk control limits
2675IndexQuoteLive index levels and quotes including SpiderRock synthetic index levels and quotes.
4350IndustryDefinitionThis table contains the definitions of ind (00), sub (0000), grp (000000), and nbr (00000000) numeric codes are used in the SpiderRock platform.
4790IndustryRiskRecordV5IndustryRiskRecords contain account level position and risk summary detail. These records are published by AggRiskServers throughout the day approximately once per minute.
1135LiveExpirySurfaceLiveExpirySurface (surfaceType = 'Live') records are computed and publish continuously during trading hours and represent a current best implied volatility market fit.

SurfaceType = 'PriorDay' records contain the `closing surface record from the prior trading period (usually from just before the last main session close).
1025LiveIVarSwapFixedTermLiveVarSwapFixedTerm records contain a live implied variance term record at standardized days-to-expiration.
1130LiveSurfaceDetailLiveSurfaceDetail (surfaceType = 'Live') records are computed and publish continuously during trading hours and represent a current best implied volatility market fit details.

SurfaceType = 'PriorDay' records contain the `closing surface record from the prior trading period (usually from just before the last main session close).
1055LiveSurfacePerfLiveSurfacePerf records contain current and prior period implied ATM volatilities and greeks and as well as fixed-strike PnL values. The strike used for the fix-strike calculation is equal to the forward underlier price that prevailed on the open. Note that this strike price 'resets' each day.

LiveSurfacePerf records are published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster at the end of the day for each option expiration. These records are designed to allow fixed strike EOD to EOD attributed PnL to be easily calculated. These records can also be used to measure atm volatility dynamics.
5155MLegOrderGatewayRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the MLegOrderGateway table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.
4550MarRiskControlMarRiskControl records are used to establish risk controls within SpiderRock execution engines. These records are only viewable and editable by users belonging to the same riskFirm as the control records.
4551MarRiskControlTkOverrideMarRiskControlTkOverride records are used to establish ticker-specific risk controls SpiderRock execution engines. These records are only viewable and editable by users belonging to the same riskFirm as the control records.
4670MarRiskCounterValues in this table represent current (live) SpiderRock MAR risk counters for a risk group/risk firm combination.

A risk group is typically a group of client accounts that have a common beneficial owner. A risk firm is a firm with control of the corresponding risk settings for the risk group.
4450NMSCircuitBreakerThis table contains circuit breaker information for market centers with circuit breakers. Note that circuit breaker records may not always exist for a market center.
5160OptAwayTktGatewayOptAwayTktGateway inserts are validated and convered to away SpdrParentExecution records and published. If successfully published they will be visible in the SpdrParentExecution table and on SpiderRock GUI tools.

Replaces are allowed but they are functionally identical to updates in that only the fillPrice and fillQuantity fields are actually changed.
5165OptOrderGatewayRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the OptionOrderGateway table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.
5030OptionCalculatorThis table allows custom option pricing based on either user or SR supplied input values.
2760OptionEOPThe expected opening price and opening size for an option. Based on the exchange open auction feed.
4800OptionExAsRecordV5Option exercise/assigment records (either from SR clearing loaders or uploaded directly by client)
5035OptionImpliedPairThis table contains current live NBBO prices and implied volatilites as well as greeks and SpiderRock surface volatilities/prices for all call/put pairs in the market.
5045OptionImpliedVolThis table contains option implied volatilities computed using fast/accurate calcuation methods while the SELECT is processing. Note that if you need even faster queries that cover a large number of strikes you may be better off using the OptionImpliedQuoteAdj table as it is pre-computed.
1090OptionLookbackOptionLookback records are published by the SurfaceModelServer and represent a stable frame lookback window on the option market (typically about 10 minutes)
3235OptionOpenVegaThis table contains cumulative open interest, day trading volume in terms of both contracts and vega.
2805OptionPrint2The most recent (last) print record for each active equity and future option series. Quote markup represents quote that existed just prior to the print on the reporting exchange.
2810OptionPrintMarkupOptionPrintMarkup records contain every option print along with quote, surface details at print time
2820OptionPrintSetSummaryOptionPrintSetSummary records are created at the end of each trading period and contain a summary of the activity for the period; Summary of OptionPrintSet records
2825OptionPrintSummaryRoot/Expiration trading summaries. Includes contracts and vega trade in total and on the public bid or offer. Records update live as public trades occur.
3150OptionSettlementMarkOption settlement marks from the listing exchange.
5055OptionTheoVolOptionTheoVol records contain client supplied theoretical volatility surface information resolved at the level if individual strikes. Strike volatilities, prices, greeks and SpiderRock surface volatilites and prices are all available. Values are computed on the fly using fast/accurate calculation methods as records are returned.
5180ParentOrderGatewayRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the ParentOrderGateway table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.
5185ParentOrderGatewayExtRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the ParentOrderGatewayExt table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.
4460ProductPriceBandThis table contains live trading bands, as advertised by the listing exchange, for futures markets with bands.
4810ProductRiskDetailV5ProductRiskDetail records contain semi-static markup detail for FutureRiskSummary records.
4815ProductRiskSummaryV5ProductRiskSummary records contain live risk aggregation of FutureRiskSummaryV5 records.

Records are published if/when positions change and about once per minute otherwise.
4465ProductTradingStatusThis table contains live trading status records for entire product groups (futures and options) and asset groups and individual instruments
4470ProductTradingStatusV2This table contains live trading status records for entire product groups (futures and options) and asset groups and individual instruments
6225RFQQuoteBroadcastLive spread quotes with SpiderRock markup details for equity and future option spreads. Legs details are included in a packed field. This table contains the most recent market for each spread.
4820RiskAggGroupStateV5RiskAggGroupState records are published by AggRiskServer immediately if/when a position update occurs. These records are consumed by execution engines and influence child order position markup.
4830SodCashRecordV5SodCashRecords contain a start-of-day currency position that derived from dividend or corporate action being applied to a prior period position.

These records are computed and published by SR rotation servers.
4835SodClearingRecordV5SodClearingRecords contain start-of-day option position and mark details. They can be source directly from a prime broker by SpiderRock or inserted by clients.

They can also be modified after the start of trading. These records are the source of the CLR side positions in SR risk records.
5060SpanRiskCalculatorThis table allows custom span risk calculations based on either user or SR supplied input values.
5295SpdrAutoHedgeControlSpdrAutoHedgeControl contains autohedge / risk group control details. Can be uploaded from SRSE, created from ExecutionEngines, or created by SR tools.

5300SpdrAutoHedgeStateSpdrAutoHedgeState records are published by autohedge servers and describe the current state of an autohedge controller that is managing RiskGroup autohedge orders.
3920SpdrClientFirmRiskMgmtSpdrClientFirmRiskMgmt records are created/published by SpiderRock Execution Engines and show exchange level risk management child order rejects.
3925SpdrExchRiskMgmtSpdrExchRiskMgmt records are created/published by SpiderRock Execution Engines and show exchange level risk management child order rejects.
3835SpdrExchRiskResetSpdrExchRiskMgmt records are created/published by SpiderRock Execution Engines and show exchange level risk management child order rejects.
4000SpdrFixParentCancelRecords inserted into this table causes the corresponding parent order to be cancelled if it is active and cancellable.
4010SpdrFixParentRejectRecord indicates that either a SpdrParentOrder (Add or Replace) or FixParentCancel request failed
1950SpdrOptTheoRecordSpdrOptTheoRecords can be used to override theoretical volatilities for specific strikes when using SpdrTheoExpSurface records.
4060SpdrParentBrkrDetailSpdrParentBrkrDetail records are created/published by SpiderRock Execution Engines. Each record describes the current active detail of a single parent broker.
4075SpdrParentBrokerSummarySpdrParentBrokerSummary records are created at the end of a trading period and contain a summary of trading activity for the period; Summary of Stk/Fut/Opt/MLeg Brkr State records.
4100SpdrParentReportSpdrParentReport records contain the current state of a parent order and update as/when the order state changes.

SpdrParentReport records are published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster when they reach a terminal state (closed, rejected, filled, etc.)
4195SpdrParentReviewRequestSpdrParentReviewRequest records created when a parent order is submitted with StageType=StageReview. These records indicate that an external review of the parent order has been requested.
4200SpdrParentReviewResponseSpdrParentReviewResponse records are created when a parent order review request is completed
4105SpdrReleaseWaitTriggerSpdrReleaseWaitTrigger records are used to trigger the release of parent orders submitted with startType=WaitTrigger. Note that all parent orders in a risk group will be triggered together.
4560SpdrRiskControlSpdrRiskControl records are used to establish supervisory control of equity, and equity option trading in SpiderRock execution engines. These records are only viewable and editable by RiskAdmin users with access to the control record ClientFirm
4660SpdrRiskCounterValues in this table represent current (live) SpiderRock supervisory risk counters for a corresponding risk control key.
2325SpdrRiskExecutionSpdrRiskExecution records are published every time a SpdrParentExecution record is published
4110SpdrRouteCancelRecords inserted into this table will result in the cancellation of all active/cancelable orders for the indicated SpiderRock routing code
4115SpdrSecKeyCancelRecords inserted into this table causes the corresponding parent broker to cancel the current underlying parent order if active and cancellable.
4120SpdrSetActiveSizeSpdrSetActiveSize records control the active working size for parent orders that are locked (have active size controls). These records can be modified by ClientRiskTrader and ClientStageTrader user types.
4135SpdrStripeTriggerSpdrStripeTrigger records are used to allocate sweep risk and trigger cross stripe release of parent orders submitted with startType=WaitTrigger. These records are published by a SR Strategy Server if/when a SpdrReleaseWaitTrigger message is received.
2330SpdrSweepDetailSpdrSweepDetail records are published by execution engines when sweep trigger groups are processed
2335SpdrSweepExchDetailSpdrSweepExchDetail records are published by execution engines when sweep trigger groups are processed
1955SpdrTheoExp2PtCurveSpdrTheoExp2PtCurve records are used along side SpdrTheoExpSurface records to provide a complete x/y specification of a theoretical skew curve. Spline interpolation is used for values between x/y points
1960SpdrTheoExpSurfaceSpdrTheoExpSurface records reprent a client theoretical volatility surface for a ExpiryKey (ticker + expiration). These records can either directly specify parameters to be used in a parameterized surface function or can link to a record (eg. SpdrTheoExp2PtCurve) containing x/y points sampling a client constructed curve. Alternatively, they can specify that a SpiderRock implied skew curve should be used along with client supplied atm volatilities.

Surface dynamics can be specified in multiple ways with these records and a number of pricing parameter overrides are also available.

See the technical note on client supplied theoretical surfaces for more details.
4140SpdrUserCancelRecords inserted into this table cancels all parent orders associated with userName/clientFirm
3155SpreadCloseMarkSpreadCloseMark records are created immediately after the market close (clsMarkState=SRClose), when exchanges publish official marks (clsMarkState=ExchClose), and again during top of day rotation (clsMarkState=Final). These records contain closing quotes and prices as well as markup details for all exchange spreads

SpreadCloseMark records are published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster when clsMarkState=Final

2925SpreadMarketSummaryThese records represent live market summary snapshots for each active spread market
3160SpreadOpenMarkSpreadOpenMark records are created during the end-of-day rotation for each ticker and intended for use the following trading day.

5220StkAwayTktGatewayStkAwayTktGateway inserts are validated and convered to away SpdrParentExecution records and published. If successfully published they will be visible in the SpdrParentExecution table and on SpiderRock GUI tools.

Replaces are allowed but they are functionally identical to updates in that only the fillPrice and fillQuantity fields are actually changed.
5225StkOrderGatewayRecords inserted, updated, or replaced into the StockOrderGateway table are validated and then converted to SpdrParentOrder records and forwarded to the appropriate execution engine for futher processing. Parent orders can be inserted as either active/ready or in a wait start mode that requires subsequent release.

See the SpiderRock Execution Engine concept guide for more details.
2995StockAuctionSummaryThese records represent current and recent trailing market open/close auction results
3245StockBetaExtBeta values are computed nightly for a few different indexes and industries.
1730StockBorrowRateThis data is sourced from various clearing firms and typically represents their public borrow rates. Data is typically loaded once at the start of each trading day.

StockBorrowRate records are published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster at the end of each trading period.
3250StockDetailThis table contains a ticker level summary of some earnings related information. This information is also available in other records but is collected here for convenience.
3620StockEarningsCalendarStockEarningsCalendar records contain a historical (prior 12) earnings dates and future (next 12) projected dates.
3015StockExchImbalanceStockExchImbalance records contain live exchange closing auction imbalance details. Imbalance information can be available from more than one exchange for each ticker.

Final StockExchImbalance records are published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster nightly after the auction close.
3035StockImbalanceStockImbalance records contain live exchange closing auction imbalance details. Imbalance information in aggregated across exchanges with imbalance feeds.

Final StockImbalance records are published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster nightly after the auction close.
1735StockLocateRequestStockLocateRequest records represent a client locate request. These originate either from the SRSE AwayStockLocateGateway or from other SR Tools or APIs.
5230StockLocateRequestGatewayRecords inserted into this gateway become locate requests and are visible in the StockLocateRequest table.
1740StockLocateResponseStockLocateResponse records are either locates or rejections of locate requests. These records are clientFirm specific and are not shared. SpiderRock execution engines are aware of the locate quantities in StockLocateResponse records. Also, these records are shared and depricated accross all SpiderRock production environments.
1745StockPoolBorrowRateRecords are as loaded by clients and usually represents their negotiated borrow rates.
3055StockPrintMarkupStockPrintMarkup records are created/published for all stock prints
3060StockPrintSetStockPrintSet records are created for each print and published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster 10 minutes later, when T+10M markup detail is available.
3065StockThresholdStockThreshold records contain information about whether and how long a stock has been on the REG SRO threshold list.
4855SymbolMarginSummaryV5SymbolMarginSummary records are published by the AggRiskServers and consumed by execution engines
4860SymbolRiskDetailV5SymbolRiskDetail records contain semi-static markup detail for SymbolRiskSummary records.
2700SyntheticExpiryQuoteLive synthetic expiry quotes are SpiderRock option/expiry underlier quotes. These can be from synthetic/implied futures quotes or other sources
2695SyntheticFutureQuoteLive synthetic future quotes are SpiderRock implied futures quotes derived from roll prices.
1105TheoSurfacePerfTheoSurfacePerf records are published throughout he day for each active client theoretical model in the SpiderRock system. They are suitable for tracking performance of a theoretical model surface whether or not it is being traded.

TheoSurfacePerf records are published to the SpiderRock elastic cluster at the end of each day.
4380TickerDefinitionExtTickerDefinitionExt (external) records exist for all SpiderRock tickers including equity tickers (stocks and ETFs) as well as index tickers and synthetic tickers for future chains and option multihedge baskets.
4870TradeCubeDetailV5TradeCubeDetail records are published by CoreRiskServers and are visible in SRSE throughout the day. They are designed to be aggregated and analyzed over time.

TradeCubeDetail records are published to the SpiderRock Archive Host data pipeline after all markup detail is complete.
4480TradingScheduleProduct trading schedule for the current week. Includes an expected trading day market schedule for each SpiderRock ticker and day-of-week. Including schedules for equity and futures markets. The NMS schedule is the NYSE announced trading calendar. Other markets are from the listing exchange.
3630UserDividendOverrideRecords in this table overrides GlobalDividends values in theo option pricing calculations.

Note: Missing/empty DateAmt strings are interpreted as non-dividend paying
3635UserRateOverrideRecords in this table override SpiderRock global discount rate values in option pricing calculations.

Note: Expiry dates that fall between years values below will be interpolated using a cubic spline on (days * rate)
3640UserSDivOverrideRecords in this table override SpiderRock global implied sdiv values in option pricing calculations.
5065VolTimeCalculatorThis table allows custom span risk calculations based on either user or SR supplied input values.